• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


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So... Hi!

Not sure just what's brought you to my page, but greetings! I'm mostly a reader (or listener, thanks to FIMFiction's text-to-speech functionality) here but have done a fair bit of editing and a little writing. And I've been around for a while in the fandom by now, which still feels a bit odd to think about. Still, it's been so large a part of my life now for so long that, while it certainly isn't the only thing in my life, I have no idea where I'd be without it, and I have no plans to leave any time soon. :)

They/Them or She/Her

(Avatar by iisaw, as a very generous and unasked-for gift. :))

Comments ( 208 )
  • Viewing 204 - 208 of 208

No problem; thanks for writing. :)

Oh, huh. :)
Well, it's not a unique name.

I passed a street called Reese while driving yesterday and thought of you

Of course I forgot this until I saw you comment on thought prisms blog here just now

  • Viewing 204 - 208 of 208
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