Level Dasher's friends want your stories · 7:38pm Sep 13th, 2023
Hey there, I'm Level Dasher's childhood friend, Eloise.
You can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain; rainbows won't up the sky unless you let it rain. —Autumn Blaze
A medical veteran with an English degree. That just about sums up everything. I peruse this site under the name of my first Original Character, and keep a site tab up 24/7, so even if my profile says I'm online, I may not necessarily be paying attention.
I hope you all enjoy my various works. If you like any of them enough to follow me, I thank you in advance, and if I follow you back, you're welcome in advance. Same thing with faves of my stories or yours—Thank you and You're welcome in advance. I'm personally not a fan of seeing "Thanks for ________! / You're welcome!" all over people's comment sections. I get that it's to show appreciation, but I work under the assumption that if you follow someone or 'favorite' their story, they are likely appreciative of it. My apologies if that makes me sound callous.
I'm also a frequent art commissioner. Check out the boxes near the bottom!
Avatar by Pridark
Bio Icon by Duskie-06
Top banner by FalafelJake
Check Mark by Mr Tech and Acry-Artwork
Starry Knight by Scarlet Spectrum, Sugar Morning, Julunis14, Pledus, and Neko-me
See y'all around!
(Now with a Ko-fi!)
What's Happening
Having recently just purchased my first condo, I'm in the process of setting the place up and all it entails, on top of taking editing gigs as they come. I'm desperately trying to continue writing also, but I'm having some massive writer's block.
I'm available for editing commissions in the meantime; send me a PM if you'd like some help.
What I'm Working On
— A Daughter and Her Dragon (DaD)
- My main project. This story's update schedule is very sporadic, but no matter how long the length of time between chapters (or sets of chapters), I promise I am working on it, slowly but surely.
— DaD Side Stories: The Early Years (preview)
- This was inspired by comments on the main story. I'm going to wait until a few of these are finished before I start publishing them.
— DaD Prequel: A Patient and Her Nurse
- This started off as a sort of prologue for the side stories mentioned above, but it became its own story with the length it's gotten to, so it looks like there are going to be two additional DaD stories coming.
Don't worry, I'm still working on the main story!
Other Projects
- The "Create A Story Using A User's Name" challenge, which is really outdated now. I had a decent start, but I took a break from it to focus on DaD. I'd really like to finish it, though, so I'll try and get back to it at some point (maybe if I have another bout of writer's block).
— Silly Stories of the Student Six
- This collection was originally conceived for the Fimfiction Feghoot Festival, but I had some fun writing them and might write more if I feel like it, so it's staying up with an [incomplete] status.
Ideas on the Back Burner
— Another Anthology
- This idea was inspired by something else I've done in the past, and I somewhat started on it, but I don't have enough material to publish it. I can't necessarily guarantee it would even be published at all, but it'd be nice to get it out at some point.
— Dungeons & Dragons Crossover
- This would be very new territory for me, but a sequence of events put the seed of an idea in my head and it's just kinda nagging at me. I've actually already got artwork for it, but if I end up not writing this, it's just cool art I'd be happy to just have.
— Occasional Pop-Ups
- Every now and then I get other random inspiration and decide to write it down. Sometimes they turn into stories. Keep an eye out for those.
Check Mark here. As you can see below, I've edited a myriad of stories by a variety of authors over the course of my time here on FimFic. Every story I've worked on has helped my ever-improving skills as an editor, and hopefully helped my clients become better writers.
At the moment, I might be able to help with short one-shots free of charge (tips on my Ko-fi page would be appreciated, though), but if you'd like help with a longfic, you'll need to commission me. Send me a PM if you'd like some help with either. My instructions and terms for longfics can be found on my Ko-fi page also.
My Work
This is the full list of the stories I've edited in alphabetical order. Stories with a * have made it to the popular box. Stories with a ** have been featured.
Editing Completed
— A Christmas Shimmer by applezombi*
— A Dictionary Problem by Dreams of Ponies**
— A Good Girl Never... by Crystal Moose**
— A Piece of You by JackRipper**
— A Pony Named 'You' by Moowell*
— A Roll in the Hay by Shahrazad (Featured on Equestria Daily!)*
— All That Remains by JackRipper**
— Anon Saves Equestria, er... by Lack of Tact** (M for language)
— Better Left Buried by Shahrazad
— Big Mac in a Small Town by Crystal Moose (Featured on Equestria Daily's 2015 Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest!)*
— Big Sister Pillows by NavelColt**
— Breath of Fire by Shahrazad
— Canterlot Has Fallen by Pen Stroke
— Catch Me if I Fall by Shahrazad
— Coffee With A Pony Princess by Crystal Moose**
— The Completely Clean Ponyville Cuddle Competition by Dreams of Ponies
— Copic Mechanisms by Crystal Moose**
— Courage of Every Stripe by Shahrazad*
— Cycling Pants Make Me Feel Very Uncomfortable by Crystal Moose*
— Dark Magic by Crystal Moose*
— The Double Entendre by Shahrazad*
— Echoes of Family by I Thought I Was Toast (side story to She Drives Me Batty)**
— Elixir Master by Pen Stroke (Featured on Equestria Daily!)**
— Face the Dark Anthology by Pen Stroke (Print Edition)
— Fire and Fury by Vertigo22*
— Floret by Crystal Moose (Sequel to What I Brought Back From Manehattan)**
— The Flurried Soul and the Troubled Heart by MasterThief**
— Garden of Shadows by Dreams of Ponies**
— The Gift of Hearth's Warming by Astral Phoenix*
— The Great and Powerful... Twixie? by Dreams of Ponies**
— Harsh Truth, or Kind Lies by Shahrazad
— Hay to Pay by I Thought I Was Toast*
— How the Changelings Stole Hearth's Warming by TheDriderPony*
— How to Hug Your Pegasis by NavelColt**
— I Hate Apples by Shahrazad**
— In One Moment by Dreams of Ponies**
— in tenebris by Crystal Moose*
— Just a Little Batty by I Thought I Was Toast**
— Kindness in Bulk by Shahrazad*
— Labor of Love by Dreams of Ponies*
— Lest We Forget by I Thought I Was Toast**
— The Life and Times of Nyx Anthology by Pen Stroke (Print Edition)
— Murder on the Friendship Express! by Shahrazad (Featured on Equestria Daily!)
— The Music That Binds Us by Dreams of Ponies
— My Wings Will Keep You Safe by Astral Phoenix**
— Nightmare Moon On Oak Street by Shahrazad (M)
— Nurse Discord to the Rescue by Shahrazad*
— One Batty Family by I Thought I Was Toast (prequel to Just a Little Batty)**
— The Origin of a Species by MasterThief
— Pet Sitting a Little Angel by Shahrazad
— Queen of the Night by Crystal Moose**
— Reaching For the Stars by Nailah
— Sapling to Seedling by Dreams of Ponies*
— "So Aria, How Are You Paying Our Bills?" by Reading is Magic**
— So I Like Care Bears, Okay?! by RarityEQM
— S.S.O.C. by Crystal Moose**
— Sympathy for the Siren by Crystal Moose*
— This Date is Going to be Perfect! by Crystal Moose**
— This Date... Reprise by Crystal Moose (sequel to This Date is Going to be Perfect!)**
— This Episode of Bluey is Called, 'Beetlemoose' by NavelColt**
— 'Til Sunday Do Us Part by BlazzingInferno (Featured on Equestria Daily!)*
— The Trixiest Trick by Dreams of Ponies (sequel to The Great and Powerful... Twixie?)*
— Twilight's Dusk by kcizsckiee
— Unlike Oil and Water by NavelColt**
— What I Brought Back From Manehattan by Crystal Moose*
— What's Left by Dreams of Ponies*
— Your Secret Mother by Crystal Moose**
Editing Still in Progress
— She Drives Me Batty by I Thought I Was Toast (sequel to Just a Little Batty)**
- There isn't really a consistent update schedule for this story,
but now that Toast is finished with his original fiction (which is up for purchase! LINK HERE!), he is most definitely working on it, along with some complementary one-offs.
— Night Mares and Daydreams by Dreams of Ponies**
- Dreams seems to be picking at this piece by piece, but the publishing frequency is indeterminate.
— Protocol D by Topaz Moon**
- This story is technically on hiatus, but unfortunately it's most likely dead. Topaz pops in every now and then, but she doesn't seem to be working on it.
Note: If you read any of these stories and find any mistakes I may have missed, please do call me out on it. I recommend writers to accept constructive criticism, and I try to do the same as an editor.
Hey there, I'm Level Dasher's childhood friend, Eloise.
I've had the pleasure of working with a plethora of talented artists for artwork, whether it's been for cover art, supplemental story art, art for my own sake of having it, or just about anything else. If any of you would also like to have the opportunity to work with some of these artists, I'd like to help you! Some of them are active here on FimFic, others can be found on deviantArt, and others are based elsewhere. A few of them may not be active at all anymore—but they still deserve to be credited. Take a look!
Little Tigress
Mr Tech
Not Quite Equine
Scarlet Spectrum
Sugar Morning
There have been many times when I've tried to explain the world of MLP: FiM to others so they have some context when they read stories here. After a while it became clear that it required more than a basic conversation, so I created this "Beginner's Reference Guide" for them. If you would like to share it with others, you are perfectly welcome to use it. If you think it would benefit by having other information added, tell me and I'll consider putting it in.
If you're unsure whether or not you should be writing, keep this advice in mind.
Warning: crude language.
Eh, why not? (Thanks, Ayemel!)
[✓] 1 Follower
[✓] 50 total views
[✓] 100 total views
[✓] 250 total views
[✓] 500 total views
[✓] 1,000 total views
[✓] 2,500 total views
[✓] 5,000 total views
[✓] 10,000 total views
[✓] 25,000 total views
[✓] 50,000 total views
[ ] 100,000 total views
[✓] 50 views on a single story
[✓] 100 views on a single story
[✓] 250 views on a single story
[✓] 500 views on a single story
[✓] 1,000 views on a single story
[✓] 2,500 views on a single story
[✓] 5,000 views on a single story
[✓] 10,000 views on a single story (!)
[✓] Have a story make it into Twilight's Library
[✓] Have a story make it into The Royal Guard (disbanded, apparently)
[✓] Have a story make it into the Popular Box
[✓] Have a story make it into the Featured Box
[✓] Have a story featured on Equestria Daily
These folks star in my featured stories' 'verses.
Yeah, I do all the work. I just let him take the credit.
Respective artists linked above each piece.
A Master Craftsman in Story Telling.
Rest in Peace you Legend
Jesus I had no idea he passed.
May he rest in peace
I miss you my friend. So much. You were one of the few that interacted with me in my old profile.
You had such a beautiful page, Josh, extra care and making our pages organized and engaging with art was always something we shared in common.
Curse you, upstream errors
I hope you can rest in peace, friendo