• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem



Our Heroes have saved the world once again, and now retire from adventuring for the day and have themselves some much needed shut eye.

Edited by: Level Dasher <3<3<3

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

T-this ... This is fucking adorable!!!!:raritystarry:

Spike quietly tip toed into the wad of pony fuzzies balancing a tray of mugs of warm cocoa " Here's a little good stuff " He yawned and laid gently among the bunch the tray sitting untouched...



Light and fluffy, like whipped cream. :pinkiesmile:


I see you published this. :raritywink:

Very adorable I highly enjoyed this.

Up-vote, Fav, added to my fav stories on my user page.

And just have to check but may I add this to my Must read blog list?

It's basicly a spotlight blog. :duck:

Dang it, Rarity! I'm supposed to be doing homework, instead I'm reading warm and fuzzies! :ajbemused::rainbowlaugh:

5949708 By all means! <3

What if Spike had a dangerous nightmare?

Comment posted by Swashbucklist deleted May 10th, 2015

5950237 fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/233/3/0/confused_rarity_vector_by_m99moron-d47cwac.png

........................ WAT?

Darling what are you TALKING about?!

Thanks for yet another refresher of what it feels like to be disassociated from your friends and less important than the people around you.

...I'm...Sorry you felt this way from reading one of my stories, but you must understand I had no intention of triggering such reactions. Also, how could I have possibly known?

5950256 Ignore him. He's a member of a small subset that think Spike is more important than he is.

5950256 pretty much what Jet said. That guy likes to ignore that Spike has been shown to have his own life in canon, favoring to complain every time he isn't involved in any and every event the M6 are in.

But you don't have any friends.

5950237 I give you credit. It must take a lot of work to be such an enormous asshole all the time.

So fucking cute i can't stand it.

:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss: This is absolutely adorable.:rainbowkiss:

RarityEQM, you are frigging CUTE! I know you get that a lot, but what else is there to say? Usually, I just read stories with dark twists and action; this is something a bit new, simply focusing on the group taking a snooze. And I love it! :D

It's pretty well-written, the way you have it, and it's pretty long for it being about the Mane Six napping. It's just a nice, relaxing story, which I found very enjoyable to read. :3

I hope to read more from you! :D


Uh...usually I don't respond to things like this at all. Usually, I'm willing to ignore stuff like this, whether it be my story or someone else's. I chose to respond this time, because...dude, what the heck are you even talking about? Why are you so mad? Your reason doesn't even make any sense, and it's just confusing, man. Is it because Spike wasn't sleeping with them, or something?

For heaven's sake, it's a fan fic, not an actual episode, man. There's no need to lash, unless you have a legitimately good reason, and I don't even know what that reason is!

5952998 Thank you ever so much, darling. <3 :raritystarry:

I feel like this is a bed time story I could read every night before bed and I could just fall asleep, <3 This was amazing. Definitely one of my favorite slice of life reads.

5950237 Apparently you have little if any concept of cute and cuddly. Why don't you go back to your ship fics and leave innocent little cute fics alone.

Absolutely adorable. It's nice to see some fluffy cuteness just for the sake of fluffy cuteness. :twilightsmile:

As someone who's edited for you before, I do have to point out that there were quite a few errors in there, but it didn't take away from the adorableness.
Want me to go through it? It wouldn't take too long. I'd just proofread, not fully edit— people obviously already love it.

5969262 By all means. <3

An epic picture of cuteness, made all the more epic by an accompanying story. What you two could do together simply MUST be seen!

And now I feel the strong need to reference this in my own story.


The cuteness its over...9000!!!

Sorry I couldn't resist this was beyond adorable I loved this story and that picture so much!

Da kawaii factor ish over 999999999! Game Break! *giggles* :rainbowlaugh: :ajsmug:

P.S: We seriously need a laughing AJ ponimote.

Gee, thanks... I have to go to work in ten minutes and now I want nothing so much as a cup of hot chocolate followed by a nap. On the less sarcastic side (challenging for me, but...) this was adorable and heartwarming, thank you.

5950708 Yes. Thank you, yes. Somebody finally said it. Spike has his own life. Think about it. When you were a kid did you hang out with your ma and her friends all the time? No, of course not. Spike has even been implied to have a career of some sort involving "royal business." (Scribe? Diplomat? Espionage? Will someone please write a fanfic about this?)

Totally adorable!! :rainbowkiss: :pinkiehappy: Applejack looks like she's so comfy that she's dead to the world lol :ajsmug:

Great job!

One of the most adorable stories ever.

Oh, she liked this mare. A lot.

Thanks to the lack of a romance tag, I can interpret that, and the other TwiDash hints in the story, as simply friendshipping.
And I'm all the more happy for it.

This story is intended to be nothing more than fluffy cuddly, adorable ponies. No romance at all. =3

While that might be the case, I think other author's end up sneaking in romance into fics that don't need it or have the romance tag.

(Sees this story was made awhile ago)... what is wrong with me that I did not develop telepathy and find this glorious and mercilessly fluffy story sooner?!!

Thanks for giving me diabetes...lol It was very adorable and thank you for writing it, it made my day.

And thank you for giving me aborabetes :pinkiehappy: lol but on a serious note this story is absolutely cute well done and does anyone know any more story's like this one?

This story was amazing!
There's shipping in it but it's so settle It doesn't show romance

Just a cute story of little puppys all snuggled up together and takeing a nap :heart:

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