• Member Since 1st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Topaz Moon

The pony alchemist

Types of Stories I Prefer

As you can probably tell from the stories I have in my Top Favorites, I am a fan of Human in Equestria (HiE) stories.

Both with them staying human or changing to a pony. But, I like them to be well thought out and written. There are many bad ones though.

That being said, I do read and enjoy other fanfic stories on here also.

Story Status

Since I do not have a set update schedule, I figured I could at least keep updates.

Status Last Updated: September 24, 2016

1: Protocol D
Chapter 15: 10% - (Drafting)

2: Protocol D - Side Stories
Chapter 1: 65% (Drafting)
Chapter 2: 15% (Planning)

3: Awakening of Ash
Hiatus: for complete re-write: -100%
(Ash hath burned in a fire)

Note: I forget to update this... a lot.

Stories I Have Attempted To Write


A Good Shopping Day · 4:23pm Feb 16th, 2019

Greetings All,

I decided to go to the hospice house thrift store, and the Goodwill store in town with dad today (he goes looking for movies all the time), and found three nice new pony plushies :twilightsmile: So, figured I would share what I got.

Total cost for all 3: $2.49. I think I did good. Now I am just missing a Rarity and a Fluttershy one to get the mane6 collection complete.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone.

Report Topaz Moon · 301 views ·
Comments ( 74 )
  • Viewing 65 - 74 of 74

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :pinkiehappy: :yay:

2448478 I see, and yes, it was a shame he stopped writing.

2448468 One of the first stories I came across, and also one of my favorites. Its a shame the author never finished the Sparkle notes side.

At one point, Protocol-D was going to be split into two stories. The Cassie only perspective, and the ponies... but I figured that would not work out well, especially with the hell I got for chapter 8, because people have dirty minds.

2448420 Yes, but no idea when. Its extremely slowly being poked at.

2430588 any update for protocol D in sight? Time frame?

2430545 too many links and references to it to be able to change it. :twilightsmile:

Ah, decided to go back to your old name, I see. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 65 - 74 of 74
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