• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 17th


I saw that.

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G1 Episode Order · 4:09am Dec 17th, 2016

I've seen a lot of people who liked Friendship is Magic try to watch G1 MLP only to get confused by the episode order. If you watch G1 episodes in the "official" order, it will make no sense, because somehow the pilot episode was put at the end of season one in the list.

The actual story order goes like this:

Escape from Midnight Castle (In two parts) (Also called "Rescue at Midnight Castle" or "Firefly's Adventure")
Escape from Katrina (In two parts)

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Comments ( 7 )
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Oh, thanks for the head sup! It's on my to read list, I'll comment if I get the time to look. :x

Thanks. It says pretty much everything you need to know about me:twilightsmile:

That is a fantastic avatar.

Thanks for the comment on Rainbow Typhoon. Likes and Faves are great and help promote the story, but it's the comments that I always hope for.

I'm glad this story lived up to its tag for you. It can sometimes be hard to pick the right tags, given the limited selection. For this one it was easy. For my next one it will be very hard. I mean, Celestia has a tragic past, what with banishing her sister to the moon for a thousand years and all, but does that make any historical story about her Dark or Sad? I don't write "dark" or "sad" but that doesn't mean there won't be moments of those emotions. I like writing character-driven stories, not theme-driven. But, hey—at least I got Rainbow Typhoon right, eh? :)

I write slow as well. I usually wait until I have the story completed before releasing it or releasing it a few chapters at a time. Best of luck with your writing!:twilightsmile:

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