
Viewing 1 - 20 of 233 results

Into the Storm: The Flight of Firefly - Update · 3:47pm Aug 11th, 2017

Progress has slowed down of late as I've shifted focus to The Lawyer and The Unicorn. I know I said I was looking at a mid-month release, but I think at this point it would be far more appropriate to launch the next book on September 1st, which is date the war begins in the story... and when WWII began, for that matter. Yes, that's more than a coincidence.

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New Review of Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly · 1:43pm Dec 7th, 2017

A big thank-you goes out to for a new, favorable and very detailed review of Rise of Firefly, though I have to say that opening picture really makes me grimace. Anyway, I would like to offer some very public thanks to the reviewer, as I greatly appreciate the thought and care that went into this... to say nothing of the new likes and faves I picked up on both the story and the sequel as a result!

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New Rise of Firefly Chapter Up Next... · 6:19pm Sep 14th, 2015

Hey folks. As per my now-customary story rotation of working on a new chapter of Five Star Service, The Lawyer and The Unicorn, and Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly in turn, the Firefly story is getting a new chapter next.

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Report Firesight · 305 views · #Firefly

Updated Part 4 of Firefly posted · 5:46pm Nov 15th, 2015

New dialogue, new expansions, a new scene, and new musical accompaniments thanks to James CyberLink. I simply felt that the original version of the chapter had two issues--first, Windshear's explanations weren't quite believable, and second, there was little explanation of how Firefly bridged the gap between not being able to beat Windshear and then doing so. I wanted to explore her training in more depth and make clear that Firefly is very much Windshear's creation, that her skill as a warrior

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Feeling a bit better... · 1:07am Mar 16th, 2016

Work is still a pain, but a bit more manageable right now. I regret my current moodiness is still no good to write clop, but it's perfect for writing a war fic. As a result, change of plans--I've begun work on a new Rise of Firefly chapter that will be up next. Currently 6,000 words and growing; look for it to be posted this weekend or sooner, depending, so prereaders stand by. It just notched its 100th like, so it seems appropriate to release a new chapter in commemoration as well.

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T-minus 1 week to Flight of Firefly launch... · 5:17pm Aug 26th, 2017

Prologue plus four full chapters are ready as well as two bonus chapters containing the Gryphon War Declaration and Celestia’s War Proclamation. I’ve also started work on the battle and campaign maps, which are admittedly in a pretty rough state right now. Remaining is a single bonus chapter to be posted at the end of the original Rise of Firefly detailing Equestrian and Gryphon rank structure, song selections, and the completion the battle and campaign maps followed by their

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Book 2 of Firefly underway... · 1:25pm Jul 22nd, 2017

Tentatively titled Into the Storm: The Flight of Firefly, This is the story of the first half of the Pony/Gryphon War, and it opens with a bang. Here’s a preview of the prologue:

Of all the ways I thought war with the Gryphons might begin, ‘twas not with an ambush or surprise attack.

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A good initial release for Flight of Firefly... · 2:45pm Sep 6th, 2017

It was only in my fondest of hopes that Flight of Firefly would feature, but it’s still still off to a very good start for a non-clop war fic. And the release is not quite done yet either: Two more chapters will be published by week’s end, the first tomorrow and the second on Friday. The first chapter will be the conclusion of the Fort Spur battle and an introduction to the Royal Navy followed by a

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Firefly Book 2 Progress Report · 12:36pm Jul 31st, 2017

With the help of my writing and reviewing crew, making solid progress on the start of Into the Storm: The Flight of Firefly over the past week. To this point, I’ve got the cover art selected and story description written, with the prologue, first two chapters and one bonus chapter containing the Gryphon war declaration completed and ready for launch. Remaining to do before publishing:

  1. Finish two more chapters so there are five available to start
  2. Make campaign maps

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Flight of Firefly will get a new chapter on Monday morning... · 12:15am Oct 9th, 2017

The Battle of Fort Spur is over. But the Battle for Cloudsdale is about to begin. Part 6 of Flight of Firefly launches tomorrow morning at 9am Eastern. It’s time to welcome to the story a pony with a tragic past. A pony who is nigh-unbeatable in battle and perhaps the most terrifying living weapon that exists on either side...

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Firefly retcons · 7:28pm Feb 20th, 2016

I updated the two Order of Battle bonus chapters with additional information about the Office of Owls, Ravens, Red Talons and even a blurb on Princess Celestia herself. Minor changes only, all in the auxiliary units sections. Also modified the fight

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200 likes for Rise of Firefly!!! · 5:01pm Jun 26th, 2017

A long road to get there, lasting nearly two years but I've finally cracked the Mendoza line. And as the story is also now boasting well over 300 tracks, I have an announcement to make:

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Part 19 of Firefly out tomorrow · 7:08pm Feb 16th, 2017

To compensate for a depressing last couple chapters, a much happier one awaits with awards and other honors for all. Expect a surprise appearance by a barely-heard-from pony that may well have what it takes to truly humble Firefly. You will also see how gryphon war preparations are proceeding, including how they're going to counter pony weather control. Be warned that being the weather nerd I am, you might see me geek out on the subject. But hopefully the included graphics will make up for

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Rise of Firefly Teaser... · 2:07pm Oct 17th, 2015

As an enticement for my TLaTU readers, here's an excerpt from the latest Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly chapter. If you'd like to know more about Firefly and the experiences that shaped her/the battles she fought, take a peak below...

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The War for Equestria begins... · 2:30am Sep 1st, 2017

At 4pm Eastern time (9pm Greenwich) on Friday, September 1st with the launch of Into the Storm: The Flight of Firefly.

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Firefly Update · 2:47pm Aug 16th, 2019

Fans of Into the Storm will be happy to know that there are not one but two new chapters underway, each with major sections guest-written (one by Leo Archon and another by AJ_Aficionado--thanks, guys!). At least one will be slated to launch on the story's two-year anniversary of September 1st.

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Sorry for the delay on Firefly · 2:06pm May 20th, 2020

As it happens, there are multiple pieces of good news and bad news on it.

  • Bad news #1 is that the new Firefly chapter got so big--a whopping 22k+ words--that I've had no choice but to break it in two.
  • Good news #1 is that means you'll be getting two big and juicy chapters in quick succession, with the first setting the scene for the epic clash in the second.

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Work is Hell · 1:17am Jun 19th, 2021

As the saying goes, War Work is Hell, folks. I’ve been working extra hours every day this week and probably will do so next week as well, to support a software release for the end of this month that we’re not allowed to let slip. As a result, my writing time has been severely limited and I’ve only generated 3400 words on the new Firefly chapter so far.

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One for the road... · 1:57pm Jun 8th, 2016

Reservations are made for Las Vegas next week (I only wish it was Las Pegasus!). I'll be staying at Harrah's on the strip for six nights, leaving crack of dawn Sunday and returning Saturday to get my fill of poker, good food, and other vices. A couple people have requested updates on my play while I'm there, so I'll be posting regular blog updates while I'm there. Win or lose, I'll share.

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Fifty for Firefly! · 9:43pm Nov 6th, 2015

Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly notched its 50th like last night and is still pitching a shutout. Had a couple good spurts of new readership of late, and it seems to finally be gaining some traction. I thought about marking the occasion with something fifty-related, but what is there with fifty in it other than Fifty Shades of Grey? XP

Well, by coincidence, this is my 50th blog, so I guess that's covered. :coolphoto:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 233 results