
Viewing 1 - 20 of 569 results

Sons of Discord Preview #1 · 3:52am Jan 28th, 2016

"Got some water?" I asked.

Scoots reached towards the front seats and grabbed a soda drink we had gotten from a gas station earlier. I quickly drank not because I was thirsty, but because my throat was painfully parched. After a few swallows, my voice had come back to full strength.

"We messed up didn't we? I mean, how did they know we were coming?" I said.

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Report Gapeagle · 460 views · #preview

H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. Chapters Preview · 7:07pm Sep 9th, 2021

To make up for my lack of updates, here's a small preview for the next chapter of H.A.R.M.O.N.Y.

Although somewhat intimidated, the guards opened fire yet again. However, Sonic simply dodged all of their shots as he began rushing at them.

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Report castroedgar316 · 185 views · #Preview

Chapter 9 Preview (Daughters of Glimmer) · 12:06am Jan 27th, 2016

Just a teensy bit of what's coming up next. It's coming along quite nicely so far, and I think you'll like the rest of chapter nine.

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Report Summer Dancer · 534 views · #Preview

Never Too Clever: Turnabout Sorcery Preview · 1:36am Jul 24th, 2018

Since I, like a fool, accidentally bungled the latest chapter of Never too Clever by unpublishing it and republishing it, it didn’t appear on most people’s feeds.

(Pictured: me waiting for comments that I know won’t arrive.)

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Report Zennistrad · 350 views · #preview

A Civ Duty Preview · 7:01am Oct 27th, 2018

Here it is!
Made for the recent NSFW suggestion thread by Doomgoey! Their suggestion inspired me to write a "messy blowjob cleanup" and thus a story of Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack servicing a massively endowed Luna came to be. So if you like the story thank them!

Report Jest · 265 views · #preview

Some tiny teasers. · 9:41pm Apr 2nd, 2017

Well, now that April Fool's Day is over, I feel safe in posting these - teasers for upcoming stories!

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Report EchoWing · 288 views · #previews

And now, a holiday preview. · 4:46pm Dec 25th, 2020

Happy Holidays, everyone. As promised, here's a Christmas preview of stuff to come for the Quiververse.


“Wait, so Twilight’s spell to get the vampire fruit bats to not go after Applejack’s harvest led to you turning into a vampire bat-pony?” Quiver Quill let out a low exhale and shook his head as he accepted a refill of his tea. “Wow. Even by Ponyville standards, that’s something.”

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Report EchoWing · 257 views · #preview

Near the Tree · 11:45am Jul 28th, 2022

The parallel universes of Earth and Equus have met peacefully, and in a show of unity and cultural exchange, the Multiverse Expo is taking place in Canterlot City, where humans and Equestrians enjoy each other's accomplishments and company.

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Report Comma Typer · 221 views · #Preview

Preview on the Next Chapter #1 · 12:53pm Apr 2nd, 2022

I've been busy with writing three chapters at once and this here is what is coming for Hearts of Harmony. Let me know what you guys think.

"Twilight, LOOK OUT!!" Rainbow screamed as she rushed for her friend.

Twilight turned to see the suit of armor move and swung its sword at her. Thinking quickly, she drew her longsword and parried the blade as it pushes her down with its weight.

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Report Joe Toon · 100 views · #Preview

Why yes, this IS supposed to be meta... · 8:51am Aug 1st, 2016

"Never come right out and say what you mean when you can settle for dropping a vague hint and watching people chase their own asses trying to solve it."

"Starting to sense some hostility here, Snake."

"Don't get cute."

-Pony Gear Solid-

Report Posh · 377 views · #preview

New Story Preview... · 12:57am Dec 20th, 2016

"Pinkie Pie? Where did ya say you found the book again?"

Pinkie Pie was cut off by a young filly named Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was at Sugar Cube Corner with her two friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie
Belle after hearing that Pinkie had found a book called "Tirek's Reign" somewhere.

"I found this book in the fourth wall, silly! I told you that a couple minutes ago, remember?"

Report Luna Bruce · 329 views · #??? #preview

Easter egg · 8:24am Sep 4th, 2015

Not really an easter egg, more like a preview for the cover to TwiSpike's sequel “The Ties That Bind Us”.

I know it's kinda sappy she saccharine, bur just tell me what you think (it was made by the same artist who did the cover for TwiSpike).

Report Regis-Th3-Lesser · 310 views · #Preview

A theme song · 10:04am Feb 13th, 2017

*Harmonica Tone*


When you got a Gary-Stu, what do you do?
You call an Author...

When you have a contrivance that always leads to violence.
You need an Author...

But where are you going to find one of these? Who helps heroes and villains attain some measure of ease?


You go to Smiling Dan's, you go to Smiling Dan's, from aliens to man, you go Smiling Dan's!

Howdy! I'm Smiling Dan!

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Report Gideon020 · 373 views · #Preview

Denial Chapter 6 Preview! For all 3$ and up patrons! · 1:28am Oct 9th, 2018

Here it is!
There are two more chapters left that I have written of this story that have not been edited or released yet. I hope to get those both edited by the end of the week though!

Let me know what you think!

Report Jest · 276 views · #Preview

Two new short stories are up on patreon · 7:51am Nov 10th, 2018

I wrote two stories for the monthly suggestion thread on Patreon, one is about a sneaky Changeling getting her revenge on Shining Armor and Cadence while the other is about a shy Luna just trying to give her crush a nice dream.

Go check em out and let me know what you think!

And if your not a patron, dont worry, I will release them probably next week, or later this month at the latest.

Report Jest · 234 views · #Preview

A Tiny White Lie Chapter 4, and Demon Fuckers (working title) 1-2 up for preview! · 8:11pm Oct 31st, 2018

Heres a tiny white lie.
And heres demon fuckers.

The next Tiny white lie chapter has the incest some of ya'll have been waiting for. While the demon fuckers chapters 1-2 have the weird and crazy sex ya'll expect on this most glorious of holidays.

Report Jest · 317 views · #Preview

The Grand Marrionette chapter 1-3 (complete) Preview for 3$ and up patrons · 7:35pm Oct 12th, 2018

Here it is!

The elements of harmony fight a necromancer, and do not come out unscathed. Three short chapters and a very short story. Its another inspired by the seasons story, along with Agony that will be out soonish. Not sure when though. Regardless I thought I'd give ya'll an early look at it.
Let me know what you think!

Report Jest · 245 views · #preview

Preview: My Little Pony: Universal Magic: Episode 23-3 (Episode 23 Type-0) (For real this time) · 1:56pm Jul 14th, 2018

So before I give you a quick little preview, I just want to mention that this is still a work in progress and it's still a bit of a ways off before it is even finished. But I decided it was time to give you guys at least a little something from what I'm working on for the next episode of Universal Magic, even if it isn't much. So other than that, here's a little small thing from the next episode...and it's for real this time and not that April Fool's thing that I did last time...I'm sorry for

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Report The Masked Ghost · 209 views · #Preview

[Calibration] Preview · 4:51am Jul 25th, 2021

this will definitely be my next fic. how do i know? because the first draft is almost done and it will top out at, like, 2-2.5kw max! so it will be out relatively soon. though it's very possible (and i do hope) that i come up with a better title and description by then. anyway, enjoy this fun excerpt. well, i thought it was fun.

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Report Bicyclette · 242 views · #preview

Preview on the Next Chapter #2 · 1:08pm Apr 2nd, 2022

Here's what is coming for Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight. Tell me what you guys think so far?

"Your Majesties, Spike. Welcome to the Study room."

"Are these....? Are they arranged in...?"

"Yes Princess, they have been arranged in the most efficient system; by subject and genre, alphabetical order by author, publishing date and catalogue number."

"Impressive. Do you still rearrange them?"

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Report Joe Toon · 172 views · #Preview
Viewing 1 - 20 of 569 results