
Viewing 1 - 20 of 67 results

The Lawyer and The Unicorn, part 21 releases tomorrow... · 8:03pm Jul 17th, 2016

A preview, you ask...?

“I’m sorry. Did you say the ‘fair’ Lady Rarity? Really, Mia Fey?” The Nightmare’s grin turned sly. “Methinks that ‘fair’ is not the first adjective that comes to mind when describing her. And just what makes you think she has any information or evidence that can help your case?”

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Report Firesight · 338 views · #TLaTU #teaser

TLaTU-T + 10 days... · 6:26pm May 24th, 2018

Well, it's been 10 days since The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-rated version) was released, and the response to it has been extremely tepid at best. To this point, in fact, it's underperformed even my low expectations, garnering less than six comments and an even worse upvote-to-downvote ratio than TLaTU-M. I wasn't expecting a blockbuster performance by a T-rated rerelease of an already-completed M-rated story, but I also didn't think that readers would be so few.

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The Lion and the Unicorn, what would have been... · 11:56am May 7th, 2017

When I started writing this story, I envisioned it to be the first part of seven stories. Each focusing on one of the main 6 and their own struggles to try and find a way home, the seventh would have been a final showdown using what they had learned and brought back with them against Discord.

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TLaTU new chapter draft complete! · 4:16am Jan 23rd, 2016

New chapter of The Lawyer and The Unicorn will be released this weekend, power permitting--I'm under that big storm on US East Coast. It's a large chapter, one that has no less than three major scenes and a couple equally major surprises. It will be posted as soon as all prereaders have had their say and any recommended changes are made.

A Teaser? Fine... but this time, I'm giving away nothing naughty. This is one chapter you're going to have to read to get full force... :pinkiegasp:

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Report Firesight · 316 views · #TLaTU #Clop #teaser #TwiWright

TLaTU review · 1:37pm Jul 18th, 2020

By Darksymphony777 on his YouTube channel. He reviews fanfictions and previously reviewed Turnabout Storm. Presented without comment except to say give it a listen and if you like, give him a thumbs-up or subscribe. YouTube's a hard world to gain traction in, after all, and I appreciate the time and attention reading a story like this takes, doubly so when you're doing it for review.

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New TLaTU Chapter Release and Story Launch Tomorrow · 3:16am Aug 3rd, 2015

Good news, folks... the Firefly side story is launching tomorrow, along with the next TLaTU chapter to lead into it. :pinkiegasp:

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Full steam ahead on TLaTU · 6:39pm Dec 9th, 2016

Going to be putting a big push on to get the trial finished off by Xmas in one or two chapters starting this weekend. I may go with a single, double-length chapter for the climax. Some questions remain with me, Leo and others offering up different proposals for that climax, but fear not--we'll work it out. We always do.

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The Lawyer and The Unicorn, the Mystic and the DJ · 3:11pm Apr 6th, 2016

Well folks... three days after releasing probably the riskiest thing I've ever written (and that IS saying a lot), it's time to start in on the next chapter. A thousand-word outline is already written, and I'm going to start fleshing it out today. Needless to say, more surprises are planned, a lot of things have to be addressed, and I'd like to reiterate again that I am not planning on any sort of bad ending or breakup here. This coming chapter, I think, is the one that will validate the

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TLaTU-T finished; what's next? · 7:49pm Jun 19th, 2018

Finally got my vacation and I'm spending a week-plus in Las Pegasus Vegas starting two days ago. How is it? Hot and dry. Temperatures forecast to be 110F later this week, but they keep the giant poker rooms at the Rio conference center they use for the WSOP (World Series of Poker) so cool I had to buy a sweatshirt. How am I doing? Played three daily tournaments and hit the money (barely) the first time, just missed it the second, and did very badly on the third thanks to one stupid

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Turnabout Storm - Parts 26 and 27 updated and... · 2:40pm May 14th, 2018

The T-Rated version of The Lawyer and The Unicorn has been released. Nine chapters are now posted, and I plan to release one new chapter a day from here on out.

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General update · 1:35am Sep 1st, 2016

Hey folks...

Just a general update. I've started a new job, but being an IT developer for a large bank means that the standards are much stricter and I can't Skype from it. It also means I can't install any nonstandard software on my box, and that includes chat software like Skype, so I can't talk during the day, unfortunately.

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Call of Duty done for now, TLaTU up next! · 5:01am Jan 16th, 2016

The three Call of Duty: Equestrian Warfare chapters I promised Raven Regios are complete and should be posted shortly. If you're at all interested to see how Call of Duty would play out in Equestria, give it a look. Next up, as promised... The Lawyer and The Unicorn, Chapter 15. Working title: "Client Compatibility." At least two major adult scenes, and one major surprise planned. 800 words written

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Part 35 of The Lawyer and The Unicorn is well underway... · 4:10pm Sep 12th, 2017

And I expect it to be ready by this weekend. As is my tradition with adult fiction, the story is going out with major fireworks in a two-part finale followed by an epilogue. Some of those fireworks I've hinted at already, but some...

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TLaTU chapter release this weekend... · 6:27pm Jun 9th, 2017

Hopefully, anyway. It's not quite done yet. I have--I think--about 1-2k words left to write on a chapter that's already approaching 10k words. Major M-rated action ahead, folks, but no teasers or spoilers as to the who or what--it's the kind of chapter where I'd rather people come in cold and be surprised; get it full force. :rainbowwild: And for those who prefer the story plot to the other kind, don't worry--expect a surprise cameo, a decent amount of worldbuilding and character development,

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Rise of Firefly Teaser... · 2:07pm Oct 17th, 2015

As an enticement for my TLaTU readers, here's an excerpt from the latest Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly chapter. If you'd like to know more about Firefly and the experiences that shaped her/the battles she fought, take a peak below...

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New TLaTU chapter in the next two days... · 4:30am Dec 21st, 2016

WIll go out either tomorrow or Thursday once prereaders are done. It will be a big chapter and far reaching, taking us almost all the way to the verdict. No preview this time except to say that there will be major revelations and a some surprising bits of naughtiness, and you'll also learn what kind of a pony Starswirl really was!

So get hype and get ready, folks. It's looking good and coming soon.


Nightmare's End · 11:47pm Dec 27th, 2016

The final TLaTU trial chapter will be released tomorrow. And I'll even give you a preview...

There was a sudden but quickly silenced shriek as the thestral named Weiss Wolke tore another demon's throat out with her fangs. It was, she reflected, a study in just how different being part of the Dream Guard could be when there wasn't an army of them to deal with… as well as allowing her to indulge the predatory impulses she really couldn’t in the waking world.

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TLaTU Milestone!!!! · 6:36pm Mar 1st, 2017

Hit 250 likes! Thank you, one and all!!! :heart:

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Personal and Story Updates... · 5:44pm Aug 10th, 2016

Well folks... I apologize for taking so long to get the next TLaTU chapter out, but it's for a good reason.

I've got myself a new job! :yay: After deciding it was time to move on from my current job over the July 4 holiday, I posted my resume and got a lot of interest on it. So I interviewed at a new place three weeks ago, got a verbal offer from them two weeks ago and finally passed the background checks this week, getting my formal offer and official start date with it.

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TLaTU Part 37 in the books, UtM - Nightmare Night chapter 6 on deck... · 4:01pm Dec 19th, 2017

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to try to release a new chapter of Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night in time for Christmas, as a gift to readers. I'm not sure how feasible that is with only six days to go, but I'm going to try. It may slip a day or two simply for being the holidays, and if so, apologies.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 67 results