• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Feather Book

I like writing. I also create Equestria at War.


I'm Really Bad at this Writing Stuff · 8:01pm Dec 1st, 2019

At the end of October I made a calendar. On that calendar where deadlines of all the stuff I was writing.

Today was supposed to be the release of the second chapter of a brand new story. Obviously, that's not here.

I could keep saying that it's just because I do not have time. But that is not true. The truth is that I cannot stop playing games, watching TV, modding games, and simply procrastinating long enough to get the words that I need too out.

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Comments ( 78 )
  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78

Hi, I have a question or two about Equestria at war. And it's kind of a weird one.

So the DLCs that are still being cranked out by the creators of HOI4 . . . are those included in the Equestria at war mod already? I have the base game of HOI4 but that's it. Do I need the DLCs to play?

Hey, hope life going for you then, pal ❤️ best wishes

3018123 I've not one much art for a very long time. Sorry.

You still alive here and do art?

  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78
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