• Member Since 23rd May, 2017
  • offline last seen June 17th


Just a person looking to read and write fanfics

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Dancingn · 3:55am Jan 26th, 2019

I don’t know if this is good or bad so I decided to share it. Like tumblr shower thoughts.

When you find yourself burlesque style dancing while getting a glass of milk for yourself in the kitchen.

Report Devela · 258 views ·
Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Thank you for the fav!

Thank you for adding Old Mare Celestia to your favorites!

Thanks for adding Death Cometh to your favorites!

Thank you for the fave on Luna's little Rose. :twilightsmile:

Thanks to add the storm inside of a barbershop at your favorites. XD

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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