• Member Since 16th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen February 18th

Jack Hammer

Science Fiction Author


It's time! · 11:32pm Sep 17th, 2019

Art by the amazing Sugary Violet.

Hello friends!

It's finally happened. The novel I've been working on for so long has gone live as an Amazon Kindle exclusive!

Check it out now!

And stay tuned, there is a music album coming as well, but it will take a little longer yet to hit the market!

Report Jack Hammer · 329 views ·
Comments ( 78 )
  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78

r u doing anymore chapters for this story ?

Everyone's a LITTLE gay. :rainbowderp:

*Gasps* Only the greatest show ever from way back in the day!!

Jack Hammer is a personal favorite of mine, he specializes in demolitions and entrapped persons rescue.


Thanks! I don't know what Rescue Heroes is, sorry. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 74 - 78 of 78
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