• Member Since 24th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Mission Objectives; Classified. This account belongs to two people, specify who you're talking to please.


P.S.A. Update Status Followers Choice! #1 · 6:35am February 28th

Hello friends, Dollars here with a quick status report.

I know we've been pretty quiet for a long time but you may have noticed a bit of recent activity. Yes we have been going unseen but even when in the shadows we are not idle. I wright when I can and Jake, well, that comes and goes but such is our lives.

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Latest Stories

Message board that people should read often because it changes often!

Updates Daily! Weekly! Whenever Dollars happens to remember it exists...

Current News 9/20/23

Hey all, we've been gone awhile but here's what's coming.

Current Project Status

Infinity's End: Times Gone By.
Chapters sixteen - eighteen nearing completion!!
Nineteen - twenty five in progress

The Bottom Shelf updates in progress

Breathing life back into something dead, that was never really alive to begin with...
/ / / / / / /

Infinity's End: Times Gone By
Chapter Fifteen
Progress: 100%
Status: Posted

/ / / / / / /

Infinity's End: Times Gone By
Chapter Sixteen
Progress: 99% Ish...
Status: Final Edit / Next in line
Release Date: Very Soon!

/ / / / / / /

The Inexplicable Adventures of Button Mash and Professor Explodium
Chapter One - ten
Progress: 85%
Status: Final Draft - pre edit
Time to Release: December

/ / / / / / /

New Projects

An Easy Button Finds Twilight Sparkle
Single Chapter Story
Progress: 15%
Status: Storyboard / Notes / Basic Structuring
Current Word Count: 1,000
E.T.A. Eventually / Temporarily on Hold

Future Projects / Based on request / poll

The Inexplicable Adventures of Button Mash and Professor Explodium
Inspired by the Back to the Future movies and the show, Rick and Morty.
E.T.A. Soon ish...
Status: In Progress / Story boarding / Rough Draft
Chapters 1 - 10 in progress
Votes: 3
/ / / / / / /

Mares in Black
Inspired by the Men in Black movies and the show Soul Eater. With just a hint of Hellboy for spice.
E.T.A. N/A No current updates available
Status: Story boarding / Rough Draft / Research
Votes: 0
/ / / / / / /

A Nevem Jorge
Inspired by the Halo franchise and by the story M.I.A. written by Gravitys Rainboom
Status: Story boarding / Rough Draft / Research
Chapters 1-5 in progress...
Votes: 2

/ / / / / / /

Secret Projects

Anypony else feel those little Tremors lately...?

Comments ( 195 )
  • Viewing 191 - 195 of 195

Well, tell I said hello

Well met friend, what brings you round these parts?

I'd introduce you to Jake but they're not around much right now unfortunately.

Nice to meet you, Dollars. I'm Wrex.

Nein. :trollestia:

English will do fine.

I'm just a scamp. :twilightsmile:


  • Viewing 191 - 195 of 195
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Random things about random things that changes randomly.

Most American car horns honk in the key of F.

Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

To escape the grip of a Crocodile's jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs - it will let you go instantly.

Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.

That's all for this week folks, see you next time.

I'm gonna add something to this since Dollars always screws with the page without telling me.
India tested its first nuclear bomb in 1974. -Jake

Honestly, I forgot this was even here... Dollars.

List of goals

Write a fic. (x)
Write a fic that doesn't suck. (x)
Write a fic that someone actually likes. (X)
Write a fic that more than one person likes. (X)
Get a fic featured. (O)
Get another fic featured. (O)
Get this list finished. (O)
Join a group. (X)
Join a few more groups. (X)
Join so many groups we forget who joined what for what reason.(X)
Be the cause of a site crash. (O) :(
Get a view. (X) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get a second view. (X)
Get fifty Views. (X)
Get one hundred views. (X)
Get five hundred views. (X)
Get one thousand Views. (X) :pinkiegasp:
Beg someone for a follow. (O)
Thank Knighty for this beautiful site now that we bothered to find out who made it. (O)
Get a follow. (X)
Get ten follows. (X)
Remind Jake to thank Knighty, I am too lazy to do so apparently. (O)
Finish laundry. (O) Yeah right.
Get a few more followers. (X)
Learn how to make links. (O) Been told several times, but, meh.
Learn how to make a blog post. (X) Kindah.
Make a message board for all our adoring fans. (X) It glows!
Get some adoring fans. (O)
Get a regular fan. (X) Wait, do figments of a deranged mind count?
Actually meet a deadline with an update for once. (O)
Get one hundred followers. (O)
Finish a fic. (X)
Finish a multi chapter fic. (O)
Fix all the spelling errors on this list. (O) i juz ned tim.
Come up with more stuff for this list. (X) See I just did.
Get Two thousand views. (O) You people should really read more.
Pay phone bill. (O) Well that explains my sudden loss of service, with Verizon.
Get a well done comment from a really popular author. (O)
Stalk a really popular author. (X) You know who you are.
Get accepted into a really big exclusive group. (X)
Get cover art made for our work. (X) Thanks again to ThePristineEye.
Remember to thank ThePristineEye for generously providing cover art for our most popular story. (O) Oh yah...
Get five thousand views. (O)
Make Church cry. (O) Never gonna happen
Get six thousand nine hundred sixty nine views. (O) ;)
Laugh at anyone still reading this. (X) You don't have much of a life do you...
Thank anyone still reading this. (X) Well nither do we it would seem, thanks for wasting it with us.
Cross this out.
Get tired of writing this list. (O) Kinda proves the whole no life thing huh.
Have revelation for a short story while writing this list. (O) Dang.
Write a horror story for the fun of it. (O) we're about as scary as a stick of butter.
Get a favorite from Pen Stroke. (O)
Get a favorite from Knighty. (O) Meh.
Get a favorite from someone with over twenty thousand Views. (O)
Get over twenty thousand views. (O) Give us a year or two on this one.
Get half of twenty thousand followers, move to new town from fear of stalkers. (O) No! Not again...
Put milk away. (O) Meh...I'll just have to get it out again later.
Have a well known author say we inspired them. (O)
Scratch chin, say 'good nuff', stop adding to list. (X)