• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2019


Passionate writer that is still exploring new grounds. Trying out various schemes and writing styles. I hope you enjoy!


Timetable · 2:58am Feb 19th, 2016

Alright, for starters:

Apologies for not writing in nearly a year. I lost my mojo for a bit, and ran out of what I wanted my stores to go. Throw in trying to split my ideas btw 3 stories, and I sort of dropped the ball on updating things. On top of that, I lost some of my spark for writing, and fell into a spiral. I also ended a relationship of 10 months, so that didn't help at all. Anyways, with that behind, I can sort of move forward.

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*Full stacked bar included and everyone gets their first round free. :rainbowdetermined2:

How I feel when friends argue :facehoof:

Comments ( 258 )
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2020446 So you're the mastermind behind the famous Dustin story. :twilightsmile:

[Shameless self promotion]

If you're going to need a character to seriously injure or something else for the bank robbery or other things, I'll be happy to voluenteer mine.

*goes back to hide in a corner*

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