uhhhh · 2:36am Aug 3rd, 2015
So, you know the feeling where it's like you woke up with a hangover after charging headlong into a parked truck? Yeah, me either, by I'm pretty sure it's similar to what i feel like right now. Also, finally actually got around to coming back-ish, I suppose. Idk, boredom does weird things to people. thought for a bit my account was removed or something until an old bud helped me out a bit. Anywhoozle, I guess just saying I'm alive and junk. Might write something. Might not. Not sure yet. Looked
1266405 Excuse me?
You think too small and aim too low. There are bigger and better things to hate...
1153629 It was my duty. Who would I be to deny it?
Thank you for becoming a Parquaad.