• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 26th, 2017


I ask only that you would forgive me, should I ever truly go hollow, that you would not hate me for falling asunder to the insanity.

{Description Module: Bio}

{My List of the Worthy}

{Latest Works}

{Projects Module}

{In Progress: The Whipping Post}
{On Hiatus: Scooter and the Bloodied Tiara}
{Ongoing: Dungeons and Draconequi}

Comments ( 313 )
  • Viewing 309 - 313 of 313


1266405 Excuse me?

You think too small and aim too low. There are bigger and better things to hate...

1153629 It was my duty. Who would I be to deny it?

Thank you for becoming a Parquaad.

  • Viewing 309 - 313 of 313
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uhhhh · 2:36am Aug 3rd, 2015

So, you know the feeling where it's like you woke up with a hangover after charging headlong into a parked truck? Yeah, me either, by I'm pretty sure it's similar to what i feel like right now. Also, finally actually got around to coming back-ish, I suppose. Idk, boredom does weird things to people. thought for a bit my account was removed or something until an old bud helped me out a bit. Anywhoozle, I guess just saying I'm alive and junk. Might write something. Might not. Not sure yet. Looked

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