• Member Since 9th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I will rid the world of anime

Comments ( 242 )
  • Viewing 223 - 242 of 242
Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted Sep 3rd, 2023
Comment posted by Thaums deleted Sep 3rd, 2023
Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted Sep 3rd, 2023
Comment posted by Thaums deleted Sep 3rd, 2023
Comment posted by Bad Dragon deleted Sep 3rd, 2023

I hav a similar amount of words typed on ideaness, including what happens next in chapter 1, but not actual chapter content :moustache:

I have about 500 words down so far that i add onto at irregular intervals. How about you

what up, you still on discord? Doesn't let me message you for some reason

Comment posted by Tynal deleted Aug 4th, 2019

Thankies for der follow it is mucho appreciated.:pinkiehappy:

to bask in the glorious limelight of my userpage is certainly an experience worth more than words, I agree to the fullest extent

just making the world a better place

I will rid the world of anime

Instant follow


  • Viewing 223 - 242 of 242
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