The Asylum Fan Group 250 members · 10 stories

This is a group made for the purpose of discussing the 'Asylum'verse, and discussing fan-theories on the subject. It is also a place for readers to place, read, critique, and discuss fan or side stories.

Comments ( 16 )
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I drew a piece of fan art for Asylum! Am I allowed to post it here?
If not, where is an acceptable place?

Why hasn't anyone wrote a fic showing other members of the mane six ending up in the asylumverse?

I'm a fan and I like this story. So here I am!:pinkiecrazy:

I am to the Asylum fan group what 128 is to RAM, just another step in the right direction.

Loving the story so far, and am glad to be here.

I would like to know when it would be finished as well.

And.. a hundred members! Wooohooo! :twilightsmile:

Totally joining this! I love Asylum; it's my favorite fanfic ever! :heart:

Finally got around to joining this! Go Asylum!:pinkiecrazy:

You know... they say you don't have to be crazy to be a member here...

BUT IT HELPS! :pinkiecrazy:


Let me know when you finish it and it's uploaded! I really want to see!

Hay, look! The walls are squishy! *Throws self into them and makes a loud meaty thump* Nope not this one... my bad... I'm gonna take a nap now and leer at Nurse Rachet.

Mind letting me know when it's done? So I can make it into a stickied thread.

Or you can just do it yourself, whichever you prefer.


Also, I have a Work In Progress GDocs "Asylumverse" guide which I've been working on for people who write related stories, to help inspire them and such.

I look forward to seeing it, let me know if you need a backup proofreader.

SO joining this. :D I normally don't write, but even I'm wanting to do a story about poor Dashie's Asylumverse ordeals.

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