• Member Since 20th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2022


Hey everypony! New to the whole 'open' scene of ponies, as I have been lurking since mid season 2.

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A bit about me...

Hey everypony! I guess this is a sort of bio for myself.

Back in the beginning, I absolutely hated ponies. But a constant nagging from a friend to "Just watch it" eventually broke me down and now I love them! I could guess one would say I joined the fandom mid-Season 2. Waiting with bated breath for the next episode.

I'm no stranger to fandoms, art or writing at all. Been doing all sorts of creative things since 2004 when I took an art class. I'm not the best, but I do like what I draw and write.

I always loved to add little story quips to my art, give it more flavor and to make it stand out.


Latex Gilded Cage, New chapter off ot editor · 8:55am Dec 29th, 2015

As the title says, the new chapter is off to the editor. So perhaps in a day or two I'll have it back and ready to post.

Report GearMane · 459 views · Story: Latex Gilded Cage ·
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

Hey g’day mate, just wanted to give you a bump to see if you were still alive or not. Your work is simply phenomenal and you are a fantastic word smith. I hope wherever you are that your well and in good health.

Just a lil bump.

wondering if you ever plan to finish latex gilded cage.

Is that a fear and loathing reference I see in you avatar?


Whenever I get to it... Had to move recently and trying to get more stable as far as income...So I have no answer other than I have a plot all laid out already, just need to get writing

Any ETA on a sequel to Conflagration, if at all?

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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