• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 29th, 2023


I often find myself a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Yet strangely Mary sues aspire to be me...

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Info Node.

"I don't make mistakes, and if I did, it is immediately the correct way to do something." ~ Merlos, Nov 3rd 2019.

Next Chapter 3%
Updated page 08/03/3031

-=My 2017 2018 2019 2020 resolutions to kept.=-
[✓] Get S&M A at 200 upvotes. (Accomplished 08/08/2019.)
-=My 2021 Resolutions to keep=-
[] Get S&M A 1k upvotes!
[] Rename S&M to something more catchy. (Will likely never happen)
[] START one of the many ideas I've been sitting onto for years. Preferably one without relation to S&M.
[] Make it onto EqD? Haha, I know. Fat chance. ;-;
[] Some one reads it on youtube?
[] Post more chapters.
[] Get fanart for S&M. The kind Merlos or I didn't pay for. A pony can dream!
[] Continue to keep two obvious O.C. self inserts from becoming (G/M)ary Sue.

(When the main block is finished)
[] Do level up blocks at the end of the story and update previous chapters with them.
[] Redo chapters, streamline them and release once the final chapter of the arc is posted.

See blog.

(Click here for stories I'd reccomend others to read.)


Sickness, not covid. · 8:08am Nov 30th, 2021

Been terribly ill, pretty much halted my life for two weeks. New guys at work are fail.

Report NoisyPegasus · 174 views ·
Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55

I've certainly tried motivating him.

I just read through your story with Stormy and Merlos. I just wanted to say I think it's fantastic and I hope you are doing well. I noticed Merlos has been gone a while.

*sets phasers to hug.<3

If you're using alliterations, maybe you could try something with 'wizards', 'weather', and 'world'? Of course, there are a lot more. Also puns and parodies. Rhymes could work as well.

Thanks! Good to know you're doing fine, by the way.

  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55
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