Sometimes a Year Just Vanishes · 1:47am Jul 5th, 2014
I'm sure there are people who will see this that don't even remember following me or favoriting my story anymore. I guess that's what happens when you disappear for upwards of a year. I can't attribute this to writer's block. Not really. What I can attribute it to is depression. I'm not going to make any excuses. I'm just going to say that I've actually managed to write and publish a chapter for the first time in a long time, and if people are still interested in the continuing adventures of
I'm here to talk to you about your cat's extended warranty!
Oh hai
71339 I do. Entering the scoop phase out of shame.
That pun was bad and you should feel bad.
I am poking you just because of the White Mana. Plains to see you've got taste.