• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2019


Aspiring novelist, taking a break to write some MIP:FIM fan fiction as a writing challenge to myself.

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Ello · 6:13pm Jul 7th, 2016

Hey fans out there (assuming I still have any) how're ya'all doing?

I'm well, myself. Been working hard on a couple original projects and will hopefully have the publishable draft of my novel by Christmas. That's the goal at any rate. In what down time I have, I've also been trying to get caught up on MLP, so far I'm still working my way through the latest season on Netflix, season 5 i think? Someone can correct me on that.

But there's a thing, I MISS fanfiction. Who knew, right?

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Comments ( 16 )
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1723311 So in the mother of all slow responses, at the moment, no I am not working on it any longer. But I am working now on something new to test a story idea for later original publishing. Testing in the form of fanfics, yay!

New story is on the way for approval! YAY! :pinkiegasp:

786722 A very belated thank you.

364155 No problem! It's great so far. Also I expected Twilight to say no (initially) but it still made me go all internet rage on her :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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