• Member Since 25th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Author of mildly successful B-List featured stories, freelance editor, and man of many expensive hobbies.

Great Stories

Blog Posts

  • 74 weeks
    Story Update?

    "Hey, that was a weird ass post yesterday. Does that mean there's a story update coming?"

    No, I just thought it would be funny in the moment.

    "Will there be?"

    I don't know. I really do want to. But it's like... I don't really know where I left off anymore. It's been years, and I generally know where I want to go, but I don't know how to get there. That was my biggest problem with writing. Just getting the words down.

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    6 comments · 317 views
  • 74 weeks


    5 comments · 235 views
  • 159 weeks
    Blog #24 - Happy 4th and I Am Still Alive

    So since my last post, it's been... a little bit of time. Only a little less than four months...

    In that time I've changed positions at work a few times and I'm now working a lot more. I haven't had the time to write, but I'm gonna try and force myself back into it, guys.

    Anyways, hopefully, I'll post something again here soon.


    0 comments · 228 views
  • 174 weeks
    Blog Post #23 - Really Short

    I got a laptop - now I'm writing at work. Chapter is making progress again. Hopefully will have something some time between tomorrow and October 10th, 2023.

    See y'all.

    0 comments · 221 views
  • 176 weeks
    Blog Post #22 - 8+ Years

    Jesus Christ, it's been over eight years since I joined this website. Eugh. Time flies, I suppose.

    So, what would I say of my time on this website? A few words describe it, though they carry mixed emotions.

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    4 comments · 276 views
Comments ( 41 )
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Hey, thanks for bookmarking MLP EG Forever!

Thanks for the favorite!:pinkiesmile:

Thank you for adding Baby Pictures to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for another fave! Glad you enjoyed "Waiting for Sunset"! :pinkiehappy:

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