• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2023

Everybrony Listen

They were all in love with 'Shy and they were drinkin' from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche comin' down the mountain.

Comments ( 36 )
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Are you dead? Please respond if you are.

I finished reading MLp EG Forever a changed man.

No really. There was this attachment to the characters like I’ve never felt before, and I’ve read thousands and thousands of books in my lifetime. I was really sad to see this over, but at least it was a good ride while it lasted!

Wait really? I figured we could do it together because you know the character better. By the way is there somewhere private we can talk so i can ask you questions and tell you stuff about the crossover without other people seeing the spoilers?

I’m not interested in doing any writing at the moment, but if you want to use Golden Arrow, you can. That goes for anyone else, too.

Hey i really liked Mlp EG forever and really want to see more of goldie and the gang and was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a crossover sequel with my series. I already thought up a few ideas it would be amazing to see Goldie's reaction to the abilities my character posses and to learn about another Equestria that my character has been living in. If you say yes to this crossover sequel we need a place to talk about my ideas without spoiling others. I really hope you say yes to this.

If you need a new idea for a story watch Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell maybe this will give you a new story idea

Loving your mlp eg forever story keep up the good work 👍🏻

You're welcome :pinkiehappy: It's a very good story and I'm actually interested to see where this goes:twilightsmile:

Yo! This is Grasshopper Keller, going with my real name for the site (mainly because I forgot how log on my old account, to which I downgraded my PC from W10 to W8.). I hope you can get back to writing the next chapters on your story ASAHP, because I love this one! And I also hope that RD gets better, 'cause that last part really scared me a little bit.

That’s a bummer to hear. I hope things work out for you!

Ah, well, just got laid off, so spare time isn’t really at a premium here. Glad you’re doing well, though.

I am well, thanks for asking. The story is coming along—slowly. Time and energy have become a rare commodity as of late, but there are only five chapters left to write after the one I’m on now, so the end is on the horizon.

How are things going on your end?

You doin’ alright, bro?

It pleases me that you favored Sweetie Belle Gains a Soul. :twilightsmile:

nothing really
just boredom and work
and some praser moments in reading
or nothing at all

Had the flu since Sunday night. Not bad now, probably will go to work tomorrow.


you are welcome
what bothers you ?

A bit under the weather.
Thanks for the follow, BTW.

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