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Do any of you know? · 6:03am Jan 15th, 2022

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could help me find a certain story that I am looking for?

The cover art has a Anthro version of Princess Twilight Sparkle held by the throat by an Anthro version of Midnight Moon.

The reason I wanted to find this story is I wanted to talk to the artist of that cover art and see how much they charge for commissions.

The commission would be a diagram of my O.C's character Angelic's armor and tools and equipment.

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What do you think about string puppets?

They help keep traffic moving but at times such as when you are late for work or another appointment they can be very inconvenient

What do you think about traffic lights?

having had some rather powerful sneezes in my life I can assure you that I really don't care for sneezing now when you do it behind a little old lady on the memory care unit of your elderly care building that you are working in and they scream to holy heck then it can rather amusing

What do you think about sneezing?

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