*defeated author noises go here* · 1:57am Nov 28th, 2016
So, between not having time to write (thanks, holidays and fucking relapsing!) and a general block, I'm doing this.
If there is anyone who can read what exists of chapter 3, and give me feedback on the content along with me explaining the other relevant bits, pm me. I'm at a loss , because I know what I want but what I have is kinda not what I want.
2149219 Did you get my PM?
Hey are you interested in doing a collaboration story?
2148716 Ha! That's metal as hell. The director's cut of this story would be awesome.
In the original Samantha ate Zecora after a trap caught her and knocked her out. She didn't find out Zecora was sapient until days later when she found the hut and Apple Bloom visited. She then is found by FS after trailing the filly, crying and rocking outside Ponyville, mostly crazy. So this was actually way less dark. Also less meaty.
2110660 you're blending a couple.
She served the dark God... Who, by the way years before the fact I based on Tirek from Gen 1--Tirac. He's never described. She gets lost in dark lore and blood magic. Yup. Paints the walls. Actually that was just gratuity. She tortured her to weaken her spirit and then bound it to the ruined library just to see if she could. She's actually burned at the stake in the end, but she does have horrible scars exactly like the ponies Spike finds in Ponyville. In fact, Spike in Ponyville was 100% Memento great Heart and Concept of Anxiety mention Jannah by name and Mad Gods has D'Jalin.