• Member Since 9th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2022


Gone For Good


I Am Proud Of Us · 3:46am May 8th, 2018

I Am Proud

I will never claim myself to be a brilliant writer or an amazing story creator. Though I am not going to lie to myself and say I am not PROUD.

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Report TwiRaptor · 358 views ·

The comic · 5:25am Feb 7th, 2021

Who is TwiRaptor?

Who am I? Well, I am a writer, of course, one with issues when it comes to writing things down and issues with making stuff up. When I make a story it is hardly original, well it is because its my idea to make it! What I mean by not original is, it will be a crossover. I have troubles writing something completely original that has never been seen before. However some of my crossovers aren't really crossovers at all and just feature iconic creatures in them. So some people call my ideas Original.

I also take requests on crossover stories and will often ask people if I can use their OC's in my stories, this is because I think OC's are amazing and should have something to do with what I write do to their excellence. I am here to have fun just like you so let just get along for mutual agreement that we are here for the same things

That's really all you need to know about me for now when it comes to FimFiction, you can learn more about me by following, commenting, liking, and sending me PMs thanks for reading!

Comments ( 44 )
  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44

You are VERY welcome dude

Thanks for the watch dude!

I really have been gone for awhile

glad to see ur back to making more awesome stories! (been gone for about a month or two)

  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44
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