Yet To Be Discovered 399 members · 627 stories
ActionPony 6
Aleksandr Sherbet 3
AlphaPinkie 2
Alubrony 2
American_Brony 3
angelrosemlp 1
Archer Misfit 3
ArctichokeLust 2
Art Inspired 2
artificialflower 0
Atlantean 1
BabyPony1267 0
Bad Dragon 18
Batbrony 1
Biglulu 0
BinaryPi 1
BlackDenimCap 3
blowngasket 5
bonamb 7
bucking bronco 1968 3
Buckshot1130 8
Cadabra 0
CannicusPalestine 0
Captain L 7
CastleRock 2
cececuttee12 0
Cerulean Swirl 0
Charles Spratt 8
Cheerilyra 0
Civviq Writer 9
ClassyGeneral 2
Clouds for Days 0
Coconut Swirl 2
colt alchemist 6
contodaslasganas 11
cR Gamer_Luna 4
Crashie298 2
CutestPony 1
Darque 0
Dash Attack 7
Diamond Sparkle 0
DontTreadOnMe777777 3
dracone 7
Dragonborne Fox 18
DUBMAR3000 0
DuskChaser123 8
EarthBoundPwny 0
Effiela Claire 2
EllyCoo 8
EnderLuna 6
Enderstorm 0
Epitapheater 0
Epsilon-Delta 0
EvilRat 5
F4D3 0
Fallen Astral 5
Faustin 0
Fiddlesticks 0
Fire Gazer the Alchemist 8
Fire_Lotus 0
FireclawDrake 1
Fluffy Shogun 0
flutterfan2501 1
Follow Focus 3
Fragment 0
gabrek 1
ggs1995 0
Glitter Grenade 0
Godog 0
Godson 5
Guardian and Babs 3
Gumball2 17
H3lios 2
HocusPocus 0
Hoofry_Poneigher 1
IceDragonKing 0
iceman6595 2
Inthretis 4
Iron Sombrero Galley 25
Jebediah Kerpony 1
Jenkins Revenge. 0
JKinsley 5
Joyous Apple 0
KaBar42 0
Kanzleirn Maud 0
KarmaSentinal 0
keam 5
Kill Paris 0
Kukulkrow13 2
LiterarySerenity 5
LiVELifE 0
LoneUnicornWarrior 3
Lord Lycaon 9
Low Octave 0
lyra_lover777 8
maddox078 1
Manaphy 18
MangaKamen 5
matcha cheesecake 0
MegaAnimefreakx3 1
MegaEmailman 0
Midnight_Scarlet 0
milibron212 3
mistydolphin 4
mlpgirlsforever 5
MorningMist 1
NeonShadow 0
Nightshine_Eclipse 1
No1Special 4
NobleValor 3
NovekBrony 0
Nyronus 0
nyxknight 10
ocalhoun 0
Other Authors 15
Patlestia 1
Powerdrainer 4
ProMonarchyGenius 1
Proper Noun 14
PuckFace 0
Pyra Lira 0
Raven Shadow 3
Raymanguy 6
Riffmaster 1
Ruhely1991 0
Rush 0
ScootaHoo 0
SeanofTheDead 4
Semper Fidelis 1
Seth Typofather 8
Sexy Pudgy Pinkie Pie 4
Shadow of the Night 0
Shadowed Song 5
Shazam Jr 26
SilverStarApple 0
Soaring 19
SolongStarbird 12
SomeRandomFicBrony 1
SonicRainDash18 5
SoulTheCatzgod 0
Sparklecat 0
Sparky Brony 12
Spectrum Shine 18
SpeedTheSoldier 2
Speedy McSpeed 6
Spookyapper 15
Stalker Pony 14
Stancet 1
sunnypack 1
superpony55 17
Tavern Tales 1
ThatOneWriter 8
The Avenger 1
The Coywolf 1
The Delirium 1
The Inquisition 2
The Lunar Samurai 3
The One Rodimus Far 4
The Twisted Brony 1
The wyatt family 1
TheDoctorFanatic 2
TheJappleWarrior 1
TheLevelHeadedBrony 1
TheTrueDragoon 6
TheWraithWriter 1
Those Kids In The Corner 8
Timer Smith 5
trombrony98 6
Twilight Kira 1
Unbridled Dolly 6
Valeyard Grant 4
Viner22 2
Wannabe Scholar 7
Wise1296 2
WiseFireCracker 2
wizard32363 11
x0jackie0x 4
XxEpsilonxX 2
xXShadowSparklesXx 3
Yoshi89 10
Zander13 2
Zealous Shift 2
ZeroChill 4

This group is for great writers in the making who have yet to be recognized for their genius. Each member will get their own folder to put their stories in.

Comments ( 133 )
  • Viewing 114 - 133 of 133

Well, I'm currently I'm my writing journey right now trying to improve myself with every story I make. I got a whole heck of a lot planned and am very excited to when I eventually get to it. My friend showed me this group. I would like to request a folder, but only for my last 4 stories and any new ones I publish, if that's okay. I don't really know how this works, but ye. Thanks!

Oh I'm nurvios about this... But it's such a cool idea might as well join

I was just wondering, would it be possible to change the name of my folder? I'm obviously no longer called StalkerPony :twilightsheepish: Also there's a story in it that isn't mine, no idea how it got there.

Can I have a folder, please? So far, I have published one ongoing story.

My 'folder' contents can be found here:

Wallflower Isn't Invisible (Anymore):

EWallflower Isn’t Invisible (Anymore)
"When a person has social anxiety, they may struggle to form connections. Bear in mind, they only struggle to form connections. That doesn't mean they don't want to."
MLPonyPals · 3.6k words  ·  20  1 · 517 views

Rainbow SatAM:

TRainbow SatAM
Living life as a part of a rebel alliance is hard, but Rainbow finds a way to make things way past cool!
MLPonyPals · 8.6k words  ·  13  0 · 428 views

Crashing the Party:

ECrashing the Party!
Pinkie and some of her multiversal friends crash a bunch of infamous fanfiction.
MLPonyPals · 5.8k words  ·  10  2 · 300 views

A Day With Pinkie Pie and Ronald McDonald:

EA Day With Pinkie Pie and Ronald McDonald.
Pinkie spends the day with Ronald McDonald
MLPonyPals · 1.2k words · 257 views

"Hiding behind a smile.":

EHiding behind a smile.
The sad truth of being the happiest pony in Ponyville.
MLPonyPals · 2k words  ·  11  0 · 991 views

Since the guy running the group dropped off the grid 8 years ago, I’ll provide my “folder” contents here.

TBefore Time Began to Flow
Out of sight and out of mind, a dark figure contemplates a lost art and his past reign.
Humanity · 12k words  ·  244  30 · 7.9k views

[Adult story embed hidden]

[Adult story embed hidden]

TReturn of Humanity
Sequel to The Lost Element. 3 years after the first human in centuries set foot on Equestrian soil, the time has come for the next step to be taken. Will the next step to humanity's return be smooth, or will history repeat?
Humanity · 4.8k words  ·  88  53 · 715 views

[Adult story embed hidden]

TThe Price of Failure
What lengths would you go to in order to undo the worst mistake of your life?
Humanity · 56k words  ·  187  35 · 5.7k views

You might recall me requesting a folder in the thread. And since I have finally gotten around to writing that prequel, as well as started writing a sequel, any chance I can have my folder now?

Can I have a folder please?

Uhmm... hello, can I have my folder, please?

Hey, I've just joined and I'm not sure how to make a folder for myself. Do I ask one of you guys, or is there a button I'm missing

Dunno if I'm a writing genius. Might as well join and find out!

Its kinda obvious that they cannot get everyone at once. Be patient.

I did not get a folder

Comment posted by Lightning Crystal deleted Dec 5th, 2015

I changed my user name from the Coywolf to what it is now. Could you update it?

Hello, I'm new. I don't mind if I don't get recognised, I just wanna try at least. So if anyone wants to read a story or two then I'd be very grateful if they gave me a chance.


MOUSTACHE :moustache:

I got tired of waiting and made a group based off of this one. It's called "Let's Make You Known!"

I am an active member of this site, who need's a couple admins to help me out with this site, who can add folders. (Must be active members. There will be 10 of us, including myself)

Go to the link below if you want a damn folder!

I just realized the owner of this group hasn't been on for I'd say about 3 months now

  • Viewing 114 - 133 of 133