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My Tax Policy? Apparently, Celestia spent so much time training Twilight to wield the unlimited power of friendship, she had forgotten to teach her how to effectively run Equestria. Such as proposing a new tax policy. by Leondude 1,072 words · 126 · 13
What If...Twilight Didn't Accept Tirek's Trade? What if, instead of doing the heroic thing and agreeing to Tirek's demands to free her friends, Twilight instead listened to her friends and refused to give him all the alicorn magic in Equestria? by Leondude 1,676 words · 160 · 5
When Flurry Met Lussy During a trip to the bookshop, Luster Dawn encounters a pony that was hoping to keep her identity a secret. Key word being "hoping". by Leondude 1,691 words · 52 · 3
Better To Rule Tartarus Cozy Glow had been trapped in stone for two years, more than enough time to reflect on her mistakes. Was it time for her to be given a second chance? by Leondude 5,026 words · 43 · 4
Dash Clash Rainbow Dash and the writer of this fic had some creative differences with hilarious results. by Leondude 1,093 words · 60 · 2
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8 weeksTransformers One headcanon of mine0 comments · 29 views
I don't think "Orion Pax" is Orion's actual name before being rechristened as Optimus Prime.
8 weeksIt's my birthday today2 comments · 31 views
Would have made this blog post earlier but I was too busy getting drunk.
9 weeksHuh. This quote actually explains why I've written Twilight as amoral in three of my recents fics (and in Suffer Me Now)0 comments · 34 views
"Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life."
- Aristotle
Well, that and psychological projection on my part.
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If you haven't seen it already, here's the link to the playlist containing the episodes I made before cancelling it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKPQuULS1GU&list=PLIzFOM7U3fW1yqATvR2mT1cDJlkapLUgQ&pp=gAQB
Apologies for the very late reply. Been kinda busy as of late.
Anyway, to answer your question about what characters are going to be in my, for lack of better words, British mentally-ill Avengers project, they are:
What is your original work?
Oh okay and who are the characters going to be?
The fanfic is a commission where the Mane Six is teleported by the Cutie Map to an island (well, the person that commissioned me said it's meant to be a distant ocean but I think an island in the middle of the ocean works better) occupied by giant finger puppets and...well...I'd rather not give away any twists. While the animated project I'm currently working on is a superhero team similar to The Avengers, if the Avengers were British and slightly mentally unwell, attending therapy sessions.