• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, brony, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc. I'm also Catholic but kinda rubbish at it.


After another failed attempt at getting the ponies of Maretime Bay to consider making friends with the other pony races, Sunny gets depressed and goes home.

Until she encounters a talking pickle that claims to be a unicorn that turned herself into a pickle.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

You were watching Rick and Morty before this. This is definitely a spur-of-the-moment fic.

Given how I literally wrote it just today, yes. :rainbowlaugh:

Ah, well, I enjoyed it. Good stuff.

No you don't understand, she turned herself into a pickle, Hitch, funniest shit I've ever seen! Good shitpost of a story really, wasn't overly messy and mostly stuck to the main story. I enjoyed it very much

Side note: may I eat the pickle?


may I eat the pickle?

That's what she said. :twilightsmile:

You sure you weren’t drunk?

Pretty sure.

Normally, your stuff is great! This? This was not. You get a B+ for effort, yet a D for execution. Sorry. Maybe next time.

This story is sus

all of bronykind should agree with the chapter name.. :rainbowlaugh:

The people who disliked this story are jealous they can't write a story as good as this one.

Either that or they felt like spiting me after I made my opinion of G5 well-known. :twilightsmile:

This has officially been the weirdest day of Izzy's life. And maybe even the funniest shit she had ever seen.

Was that supposed to be Sunny’s life?:unsuresweetie:
Izzy left for a life of interdimensional adventure and bullshit, while Sunny watched the weirdos leave, as she stayed in her light house.

Now that I think about it, yeah, I did mean to type in Sunny.

Given how much of a weirdo Izzy is, the idea of her having a weird day is ridiculous. :rainbowlaugh:

When I first found this story last winter, I thought it was cute & moderately funny. But, I was sober. The other night, when I found it again, I was drunk as hell. I found myself (almost literally) laughing my ass off. That was some funny shit.

Sunny just stared slack-jawed at the talking pickle that may or may not have been a unicorn once. There were so many questions rattling around in her brain. Can unicorns actually turn themselves into talking inanimate objects? How did the unicorn-turned-pickle make it this far? How is the unicorn's mind not in a vegetative state from being turned into a vegetable?

Answer that to Ricky morty hijinks ,Orang rog , magic shit , transformtion with retaind countiusness

Knowing Izzy's in a vulnerable position, unless the townsfolk don't believe in the five-second rule, Sunny picked her up and immediately ran back to her house.

ruh that isstupid . she is now a pickle

"I knew it!" Sunny exclaimed, "Do unicorns really live in trees? Do they eat pizza? If so, what toppings to they like? If not, why not? Can you actually fry pony brains with a single horn-zap? Can you make the jar you're in float?"

Magiccouldalter reality with heir powr and an capacity and knolidge

Rick solved that by science.

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