Sick and Tired of Porn Fics 33 members · 36 stories

For anyone who thinks that sex and extreme gore fics are really messed up, or is just tired of seeing porn stories floating around everywhere.

Why do you make us out to be immoral and crude ponies??? We're only like that in your fanfics, not for real!

And quit making me seem like a floozy and a ho! How do you think that affects my reputation?

Hey, just cause I'm the main character doesn't mean I'm sort of harlot who hides in your bed!

Just because I'm a tomcolt, it doesn't mean I'm lesbian! Have the writers given you any proof of me playing for the other team??? No, they haven't!

So in short, this group is for anyone who is sick of pornography stories getting so much attention for the mere fact that they present candy-colored horses in a disgusting and immoral fashion. So join if you agree, I guess.

Comments ( 15 )
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So does action count?

I'm talking about abrasive action where the characters get slapped around and people die, but not necessarily anything bloody.

We could use more sanity on this site. Glad to join this group.

This group is just all of my yes! Joining because pony porn and gore disgusts me! :pinkiehappy:

Oh look, I found the few sensible individuals on this site. God forbid the men and women of today stoop so low as to turn to cartoon ponies for sexual gratification. I see clopfics and just wonder how people can't look back at what they're doing and realize how pathetic it is. This fandom spends so much time trying to convince society that we aren't 30-year-old depraved men jacking off to a little girl's show, but if people continue to sexualize Twilight and her friends in a manner completely against the spirit of the show in the first place, than we are only confirming those assumptions. Get a life, pony pervs.

TL;DR: Love and tolerate, and even if you don't enjoy dripping equine pussy, don't take it for granted.

Now, I understand perfectly where you're coming from. MLP R34 is weird, there's no doubt about it. Just leave it.

As much as I'm not a fan of clopfics, I think this group's going a little bit overboard. I mean, sure, I do like reading stories with non-sexual relationships, and I certainly enjoy showcasing them. However, if people wanna feature stories where pastel-coloured ponies are filled up with large, round horse cocks, let them be! A lot of bronies enjoy that stuff, and while I don't know exactly why, I can only assume they either find xenophilia hot, or it's for the same reason they're bronies in the first place - it's like a fantastical perfect world, for them to escape to in their minds. Even if it's the former, that's still normal. Everyone has a kink or a fetish, wherher they want to admit it or not, and they likely have a hard time dealing with the fact that they're sexually attracted to MLP characters without groups like this.

I did some research into MLP not too long ago, and I found out that the reason it has such a huge adult following is because a lot of 4chan users found the show had a surprisingly high level of quality, considering its original demographic. As a general rule of thumb, 4chan is full of sick bastards, but in their own (admittedly kinda disgusting) way, they shed light on fandoms that would otherwise go unknown. Many of those 4channers are the same people getting those clop stories featured. Like I said, I'm not a fan of clopfics, but I think we should all take a moment to appreciate that even if these weird horse-sex stories didn't form the basis of the brony community, they definitely contributed massively. Hey, a lot of bronies probably found out about MLP through the rule-34 anyway.

And if that rant on pony porn isn't enough to make you a little more tolerant and appreciative of it, just turn on the God-damn Mature filter. No-one's stopping you.

Yours strangely defensively,
~ epicn00b

I must admite im wit the creator of the group on this one I Hate Pervy stuff but blood and gore is fine but pervy UNACCEPTABLE

Seriously, though...could the author of this group redact the whole whining about "crudeness" and "immorality" thing? He/she has a good point, but I'm afraid it's going to be lost on people due to the whole irrational bawking bit of moralism.

The argumentation as to what is or isn't "moral" is entirely subjective at best, but this groups sentiment resounds within me. Stop making horse porn. Stop it. You are sad, emotionally stunted manbabies. Cut it out.
Congratulations! This group was found to be fresh. With that, a listing in New Groups was secured for it.


I'm sick and tired of this group. I don't like it.

390656 Yeah, I'm an idiot. :derpytongue2:

390652 Look at the folders.

Yayz! :pinkiehappy: So, what sort of stories are we posting here? G-rated romances as opposed to Mature fantasies?

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