Royal Fight Club 17 members · 2 stories

Based off of my recently completed fic, Iron Will vs. Mr. Satan...

So, in my story, Luna's champion finally prevails. It pays to search through the omniverse to find a new challenger huh? So Celestia decides two can play at that game. Luna went to Twi and they came up with Mr. Hercule Satan of DBZ infamy. Hijinks were plenty! Who should be next?

Oh, and by the way...

Royal Fight Club is TRENDING AT #11! YAY!:yay:

Be nicer if Royal Fight Club were #1 but... eh... who wants to compete with Incest is Wincest


I mean, what the ever loving %$#&@?!

Anyway, welcome initiates! It's time to

You first few original members OF THE ROYAL FIGHT CLUB. You are the original 13!

You should all feel honored and privileged to have that distinction.


Eh. Maybe not. But here we go. Let's get your ideas down. Who should be up next to take on Mr. Satan? I mean, we don't want to jump strait to Buu, or *gasp* BEYOND BUU...

We want the power level of these fighters to ramp up gradually until something like BUU level.

Hey, Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?

(Thanks for that, TFS. Always good for a laugh)

Or maybe this guy was on to something... --->

Street to epic level fighers

but... you see where I am going with this. We need some kind of decided order, then... TO WRITE IT. A few rules before we begin... READY? GO!

0) Let's level up our contestants from weaker to stronger and follow that order in chapters here. Let's get that right first!
1) All anime is up for discussion
2) video game heroes/characters - maybe - let's discuss pros and cons of opening this up to them
3) Other genre cartoons? Like Bugs Bunny? uh... maybe not?
4) Other movie and show folks? Like George Lucas Skyrunner Solo Bandit Kenobi? Nah. none of that now. No, lets keep it to out own desired quirkiness of anime.

So who should be brought in next? Rumble McSkirmish?

I dunno. This question is brought before the board. WHO'S NEXT?.

Comments ( 3 )
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Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted March 12th

Ooo, I'm so tempted. I'd like to have some in-between steps first though. Any takers?

Can you make"Buu (DBZ-DBS) VS Discord?

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