Black Feather is being published
Hey, everyone.
It was a rather unexpected thing to have my attention drawn to this project that has been sitting unfinished for several years. I honestly never expected to be doing this, but I'm finally posting the story here on Fimfiction.
Why is this surprising to me? Because my friends and I no longer write pony. We've got an original IP we have come up with called Equinox that will one day hopefully be published professionally. But Black Feather is probably about 75% finished and I've got renewed motive to put it out.
Thing is, I never wanted to post it in an unfinished state. The story was planned on being about 450,000 words long at minimum. And we quit pony in 2019 when I had only polished about 95,000 words of it.
What I've decided to do is adjust a few key things within the existing framework in order to finish it off as a much shorter story. But it will be a finished story! I need to write Dinky into a few chapters she's been absent from to get her involved sooner. And I need to make a few adjustments so that a minor villain from the original outline becomes the major villain of the story, with a properly chilling conclusion. This is going to be good!
Shortening the story will have the effect of eliminating what used to be the main antagonist from the story entirely. A consequence of doing this means a fair number of things that were meant to be setup for the middle and late story are going to have to be removed. Some things can remain, though they might feel disconnected with the rest of the story -- the changes in Everfree for example. But that would make too much of a mess if I removed it. Some things that don't get resolved by the final chapter will be resolved in an epilogue I plan to write after the final chapter.
Plan is to publish one chapter per week until finished. This will likely be a 40 or 41 chapter story, depending on how a few of the later ones turn out. There's a lot of work to do, and I sincerely hope to be able to keep up with the "once per week" release schedule. Projections look good so far, and I'll be very busy writing fixes and changes while posting each Friday night US time (Saturday morning my time).