For my old editors... and maybe new ones? · 10:42pm Jun 24th, 2020
I started writing a while ago again, but only today did I go directly to those stories I still need to finish.
I would like to get the old team back, so if you were one of my old editors, I would love for you to get in touch with me again.
Also, new hooves to help are highly appreciated. If you know my stories, especially my Lunar Tales series by hearth, please raise a hoof.
As long as it got to do with preening directly or indirectly you're fine
do i need to work off a prompt?
You're always free to try it and if it gets over 500 words just give me the docs and I post it on the collab^^
I'm willing to try, but it probably wouldn't get beyond an outline and a paragraph
yeah, not dead yet^^
Still got some writing in me I guess.
Since no one else seems to be active in the preening group or not willing to write anymore,
I thought using the collab to do a small writing test seems fitting.