• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 4th, 2016

Cyber Clash

I like stories. Stories are good. ...Unless they're bad. But good stories are good.


Some Thoughts · 2:26am Jan 18th, 2015

A friend recently asked if I believed in the law of attraction (for those unwilling to look it up, it is the idea that positive thoughts bring positive outcomes and negative thoughts bring negative outcomes). I don't. However, there is something I remember reading that sounded somewhat similar.

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

1367387 But I had to much coffee once, during a test, every time I took a sip of my coffee, it felt like my heart skipped a beat (no exceptions) I drank slightly less coffee after that...

1365369 I was about to say that there is no such thing as "too much coffee," but there is... Huh. Even though I was raised in Manchester, I was born in South America, where everyone loves coffee. So I'm not only a disgrace to the tea-lovers that are the British, but also everyone in South America. Lovely. :twilightblush:

1366337 Ooh! I remember that story! :pinkiegasp: I don't recall the reference, but I might reread it since I enjoyed it so much.

1365300 Found it! Syncopation by Terrasora. It's quite late in the story, but it's worth a read as it's great!!
I'll have to make this smaller then...

1365300 a few years ago, I didn't drink coffee, I started with latte, now espresso is pretty much normal for me... I drink to much coffee...

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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