• Member Since 7th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2023


Everything requires time.

Stories! (I actually wrote some!)

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Well, I'm Twilight_Scratch. I’m in the UK and I play games such as TF2, Overwatch and Fallout 4. I also do tech.

...and I ran out of things to say. Sorry!


...Hello. Sorry. · 11:34pm Jul 26th, 2016


Well, guess who messed up with his education, had to move schools and is now only just about getting through it all with some of his sanity left.

As I've said before, I am truly sorry to those who I abandoned around 46 weeks ago (according to FiMFiction's timers) when things got tough. I've found this last year pretty tough with everything going (school, social and personal lives literally crashing), and I have no idea what to do.

Again, sorry.


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Thank you very much for the faves.

2257282 Hey don't worry, I haven't logged on in a year. We could all benefit from that time.

Yep. I've kinda neglected FiMFiction for around 40 weeks or so (according to the login dates), and occasionally logging in. Quite simply, I haven't had the time to. If I could go without sleep, however, I could get things that I actually need to get done done.

two-thousand nine-hundred and twenty more hours in a year.

I could really do with that time.

Everything requires time.

So very true. You can never seem to get enough of it. And just think, if the human body didn't require sleep, we'd have eight extra hours every day to get things done, and have so much more time for ourselves. We'd have about two-thousand nine-hundred and twenty more hours in a year.

Say can we talk

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