• Member Since 1st Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 3rd, 2017


Welcome, fellow readers of MLP:FiM fanfiction. I am Honeytongue, and hopefully you will enjoy reading my stories, as much as I do writting them.

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101 Watch-matians! · 1:36am Mar 10th, 2015

I guess I should have made this blog sooner. Over 100 followers...despite only one story published.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me, and sorry for not making any recent updates.

Report Honeytongue · 678 views ·
Comments ( 415 )
  • Viewing 411 - 415 of 415

2254417 then message me and we'll talk business.

2254133 so, you'll think about it?

Hmm, maybe. It's been a while since I wrote anything of my own. Lately, I've helping give ideas for another persons fanfic.

1924171 want a co-writer? I could help.

  • Viewing 411 - 415 of 415
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