• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago

Wrangle Wolfe

Just your average cryptid, skulking around.

I'm back in the fandom

So yeah, more crappy pony content from yours truly.


Farewell · 4:39am Sep 5th, 2017

It is very apparent that I am not active on this site anymore. The will to watch MLP or write for it has almost fully died. I have tried over the course of months to make myself write, but things aren't looking great. I still have a huge chunk of a chapter to my most recent story written, but it shall never be finished. For anyone interested, I could post it. But other than that, I'm done.

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Comments ( 129 )
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i just have one thing to say: you are a master of the sad tag.

2333162 well I've been thinking of story ideas and I had quite a good animation idea.
Hey a girl needs her practice, doesn't she? :twilightsheepish:
Plus it seems like a pretty fun idea. But I'm still thinking it over cause it takes a lot of time and patience and more. Sooooo.
Plus some drawing ideas and that's about it :derpytongue2:

2333122 It was pretty okay, planning some big stuff. Yours?

2333117 how was your day

Omfg lik ur blg is so cewl n kawaaaaaik #goals #hastag


2244833 No problem. I'm enjoying that story. The watch was because of that awesome quote you have on your bio about having a heart attack during charades.

2172480 Heh, you're welcome. Took me forever to see that yellow star wasn't quite yellow. *Gives you a golden star* A for effort!

Thanks for the fave! :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for all the patronage provided to Sweetie Bane! :twilightsmile:

1928601 You're very welcome. What really drew me to the story and made me appreciate it was not only the great writing, but how it made me feel personally. I'm bisexual, and I've always been afraid to admit that to my parents. I fear that they're gonna judge me. But I remember now that I have friends that will be by my side no matter what. If things get rough, I can always turn to them. Even though bad stuff keeps happening to Fluttershy and Mockingbird, just seeing Fluttershy stay by his side makes me feel like the same will happen for me. There will be a friend always by my side. I'd just like to say thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I haven't read all the chapters that are there so far, but I plan to soon. You've got my attention!

Thank you so much for the follow and adding When Kindness Met Hatred to your favorites! If you don't mind me asking, what is it about the story that I earned it from you?

I just wanted to say, I love the name of the library you added my story to. Hope I don't keep you sleep deprived! :derpytongue2:

1882427 Ok, I was just wondering. Someone did that to me and had a similar name to yours.

Thank you for adding Touching Senses to your library! I hope you enjoy(ed) the read! :pinkiesmile:

1882333 Haha!

Ah, nope! Though that is totally something I would do. I just stick to drawing whatever someone asks me for. Not sending a bunch of random pictures from random people. Still, I have to look into doing that to someone in the future...

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