• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2021


Twilight is best Mane pony and Vinyl is best BG pony. Discord is best draconqquus and I update on my own time.


Voice Actor Needed · 2:25am Feb 13th, 2015

My friend is in need of a voice actor for his animation. Its a very short scene and is looking for someone who could imitate Vinyl Scratch's fan voice (Nowacking's one specifically) as one of his characters sounds like her. The character does speak a little of Esperanto, but he can provide a translation if requested. If anypony is interested in this, just send me a PM and I'll give you his email address. It is unpaid, I should mention though.

Thanks a bunches. :pinkiehappy:

Report lorettafox · 433 views ·

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Comments ( 29 )
  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29

Please tell me your still alive.
Your work is wonderful, I don't want any to remain unfinished.

I agree fully on you bio but you realy like discord don't you

So how much longer do I have to wait for the next chapter of dreams in the mist?

I remembered how much I loved your Discolight series and went to check them out again.

Turns out I wasn't following you.

Mistake corrected. :pinkiehappy:


  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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