Sweetie Belle X Button Mash
Rainbow Dash X Soarin'
Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich
Dinky X Pipsqueak
Epic Adventure Stories
Asylum When Twilight Sparkle went to bed, she had friends she loved and a life she enjoyed. But she awoke to hospital gowns and padded restraints. And the doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick and none of it was real. They’re lying, right? 191,184 words · 4,937 · 122
Button Mash and Sweetie Belle Play Minecraft Button Mash and Sweetie Belle decide to play Minecraft, everything was going great, until Minecraft and its inhabitants decide to come out of the computer, 39,845 words · 483 · 22
Winter's Bloom The last thing Applejack remembers, she was working in the fields. Suddenly, she finds herself transported ten years into the future, into an Equestria overrun by fearsome enemies. Now it's up to her and a small band of survivors to fight back! 16,993 words · 49 · 3
One Last Crusade After a huge stint with their role models, the CMC decide that to learn their special talents, they have to take their search out into Equestria. They meet new friends, save many lives, and become an inspiration. This is the last crusade. 8,663 words · 142 · 7
The Ones that Unleash Your Tears
The Things We Leave Behind A year after a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit her friends. 23,097 words · 1,421 · 34
The Last Crusade Apple Bloom has one last crusade with her friends as a little white filly struggles to say goodbye. 3,332 words · 755 · 12
From the Mouths of Fillies Not everything is as it seems when Dinky visits her mother in the hospital. 3,219 words · 841 · 11
I know this is late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE
Thank you for following! Oooh, chiptune music. Nice!
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