• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
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I love my cat but she hates computers · 4:35am Jul 29th, 2015

I came home from work about a week about ago and found my cat in my room and my laptop on the ground. This is odd cause usually I don't store either of these things together without supervision. She's been known to get jealous of my "light boxes" as we've come to call them and it appeared as though her rage broke and she knocked it off my desk. It works as in it still computes but can no longer go online, can't read any usb or anything I put into it really, in short it just plays the music I've

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Comments ( 29 )
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Are you ever going to update The Triumvirate?

You and your friends are dearly missed.

Aww sweet, new chapter! You're the best!

1421002 Honestly I can't remember it for the life me.

Ok, I have to ask a question that's confusing me: why are you following me on this website? I produce no writings for fimfiction and I don't write an interesting blog or any blog of any sort. Why would you randomly decide to follow me? Also, it's good to see The Triumvirate is not dead.

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