• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
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I has a sad. · 1:42pm May 19th, 2014

My story just hit 100 downvotes... feels like a crappy milestone if you ask me. Just once, I wish people had the balls to post a comment saying that they downvoted and why, instead of hiding behind anonymity, safe in the knowledge that their personal story hangups and distastes can bring down an otherwise widely enjoyed story.

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Report 2dextreem · 2,156 views · Story: You Do (Not) Belong ·

My Only Story

Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Hey there, I recently discovered Loyal2Luna's amazing Mass Effect stories, got instantly hooked, only to suffer a massive blow when I found out the sequel was cancled mid-story. Finding your name in the last published blog post brought me here. And while reading the comment section on your user page does give some idea, I must ask regardless. Do you have any update, or even a hint of an idea what happened with Loyal?

While it has been years since she has last logged in on the site, as a recent fan I have the young and naive hope that, against all odds she will return to us, methaphorical guns blazing as she kicks open the door and deliveres us the long awaited chapters we, the readers, are longing for to read.

oh.... I was wondering why you were so familiar.
I even said something here... 3 years ago....
I want my time back... I don't want to feel this again

I know as much as anyone, which is to say, nothing.

Did you ever learn of what happened to Loyal? Last I heard, she simply cut off all contact- but I've heard of stories where it turns out the author suffered some kind of medical emergency. Just a little worried about her.

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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