• Member Since 11th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 23rd

Letter Sent

Just a guy from Australia who likes to write when he's bored, updates are rare but I usually deliver good work.

Who am I?

G'day! I'm Letter Sent: A crazy Australian with a passion for the written word. I've not been on FIMfiction in about a year so my writing may be a bit rusty.

Holy hell these are old...


Holy Hell · 3:52pm Dec 25th, 2016

I've been gone for two years and you people still read my stuff. Thank you!

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Comments ( 108 )
  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108

Sweet! Guess we'll see how it goes, huh?

1703940 It has, I've been secretly doing work behind your backs under a new name and hope to make an extravagant return.

Hey! Been a while, huh? I'll be posting blogs and such regarding my upcoming projects, soon, too! :twilightsmile:

1528935 As much as Shatter does slay shadows, it felt stupid to leave it in his name, I changed it to make it look more like a pony name.

  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108
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