• Member Since 20th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2021


I'm a RPG gamer who writes for fun, however I don't mind doing one shot stories, so pm me if you want to make a request

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Requests · 7:57pm Oct 1st, 2020

Simply put, I've already done two oneshots of story requests, if anyone wants me to do one, pm me and I'll try to make time for it. Also no I'm not charging money for this, its completely free to request a oneshot story from me

Report PressStart · 215 views ·
Comments ( 809 )
  • Viewing 805 - 809 of 809

R u going okay? Haven't heard from you in a while ☹️

I noticed birth being a common theme here,
very interesting :duck:

  • Viewing 805 - 809 of 809
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