• Member Since 29th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Barracuda cyborg


The thing about this story · 1:35am Aug 12th, 2021

Ok... I have decided to can this story. Its just all over the place in terms of quality, pacing, and even I'm getting burned out trying to do this story; so this version is getting cancelled. That doesnt mean this is the end for the Bear and Bird; I've decided to remake this story. With the experience I've made over the years since the original story I've wanted to remake it for a while. Hope to see you all in the new version.

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Comments ( 313 )
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Thank you for interest in my story, Ladybugs Awake!

The moment I saw you working on the Monsterverse, I just had to

Thanks a ton for the fav! :twilightsmile:

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