• Member Since 29th Dec, 2012
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Barracuda cyborg


The thing about this story · 1:35am Aug 12th, 2021

Ok... I have decided to can this story. Its just all over the place in terms of quality, pacing, and even I'm getting burned out trying to do this story; so this version is getting cancelled. That doesnt mean this is the end for the Bear and Bird; I've decided to remake this story. With the experience I've made over the years since the original story I've wanted to remake it for a while. Hope to see you all in the new version.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 184 views ·

A story finally finished · 5:58am Oct 23rd, 2019

At last one of my older stories finally comes to an End. Gotta say I was never thinking of finishing one of my stories for awhile but het I’m just happy to finish something. I’m gonna miss writing the Ed Boys and their crazy adventures, but all things must come to an end eventually.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 216 views ·

This year has been a roller coaster hasnt it? · 3:43am Oct 14th, 2017

As my birthday rolls around I couldn't help but think how crazy this year has been so far: political riots over things that seem insignificant in the bigger picture, enrolling in another college, going over both my art and writing, the MLP movie coming out, Nightmare Nights Dallas, and even a little soul searching here and there.

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Report Barracuda cyborg · 312 views ·

It's Christmas! · 5:13am Dec 25th, 2016

Merry Christmas to one and all, happy holidays, and a happy new year as well.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 350 views ·

I'm rewriting my Lightning Seven series. · 2:38am Nov 13th, 2016

As you guys might've noticed, I have wrote off my old Lightning Seven stories as 'Old versions'. So now I am recreating the series as my writing has improved dramatically.

Whenever I get the stories up I hope you will like the stories as much as I am when I finally post them. Thank you and have a nice day.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 296 views ·

Welcome back. · 9:05pm Sep 13th, 2016

Walks in and sits down on a recliner Hey there guys...I guess you deserve a little explanation. I havent been on this site for months, years to actually write a story. I have been through getting friends and losing them, graduating high school, enrolling college, and trying to get a job, but now...I finally have free time to actually do what i want to do.

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Report Barracuda cyborg · 290 views ·

Regards towards todays episode. · 1:50am Jun 12th, 2016

I actually really liked it. It's an honest and well used message: "Variety is the spice of life." And it was in an Indian food restaurant.

My moral from it is, of course: NEVER CONFORM TO POPULARITY! Unless it comes to federal or governmental regulations.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 288 views ·

All the way to the Firendship Games · 1:38am Sep 27th, 2015

Well...I was surprisingly better than what I thought. A tad slow at the beginning like the other two, but we got to see Cadence at the Crystal prep school, some familiar faces and new ones. Though in honesty how the heck does Canterlot High manage to keep these random things under wraps?! I mean yeah I guess its a thing with random people it makes sense, but is it really gonna be that school legend they all keep to their graves? Other than the stuff that's spoiler heavy, it wasn't that bad, but

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Report Barracuda cyborg · 307 views ·

Well concerning today's episode · 6:42pm Jun 27th, 2015

Now come on people I can't be the only guy to think of this when I saw it at first.

Report Barracuda cyborg · 288 views ·

To any one who reads this · 3:54am Oct 22nd, 2014

It's only a few day till the Nightmare Nights Dallas convention comes to Crowne Plaza in Addison. I for one am excited because: 1- it will be my very first Brony convention ever. 2- I'll be able to meet other Bronies of Texas! To anyone going, I hope to see you there

Report Barracuda cyborg · 334 views ·