• Member Since 29th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Barracuda cyborg


It’s the graveyard shift at a gas station, and Its as boring as you could imagine. As two clerks try to endure the boring shift, the new flood of customers could make it all the more interesting for them.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Late Night Screening

Since last year Fluttershy and Rainbow have been watching horror movies for a few months, but now Rainbow wants to take it to the next level and make a podcast of their venture. Now the only problem is figuring out how to start it.

This is a sequel to the story: Late Night Screening. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/387369/late-night-screening

Chapters (1)

There's a few things Fluttershy is usually known for: mainly being great for animals, and being easily frightened, and that applies especially towards Scary movies. On one particular Friday evening she will be doing something that no one would have expected for her to do.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night, a holiday full of fright.

For one yellow mare, this isn’t her main affair.

But on this very night, that is about to change.

For a cyan mare with a rainbow mane takes her on a spooky, haunted stage,

Where things even those who use magic could not create.

A story about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, two mares with one mission. Escape the haunted house… alive.

Collab done with Soaring

Chapters (1)

On a stormy and raining afternoon Twilight and her friends are stuck within the tree library with nothing to do. Until Pinkie decides to bring a good old fashioned role-playing game into action to pass the time. The games world of Zolcan is in grave danger and only true heroes can stop the evil warlord from destroying the once peaceful land. Roll your twenty sided dice and GAME ON!

A collab with Heart Felt

Chapters (2)

After the events of Nuts n' Bolts The Lord of Games begs Banjo and Kazooie to be in another game, unfortunately Gruntilda the witch has escaped L.O.G's shut down game factory and is out for revenge. In order to defeat her the heroic duo must return in an all new game L.O.G has cooked up, but on the plus side no annoying vehicles and going back to the good old days. There is only catch- in order for it to work is celebrity endorsement by one of the best gamers of all time.

Collab with Barrobroadcaster

Chapters (2)

After being chased out of the Cul-de-sac the Eds find themselves somehow in Equestria. Not only are they stuck being with ponies but one of the kids from the cul-de-sac is tracking them down. Things just keep getting better and better don't they?

Collaboration with CluelessDetective and JakeTheBrony

Note: this takes place after the chase at the beginning of 'Big Picture show' and after the season 4 opener.

Recently featured on Jan 6/ 7 2018

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Lightning Seven: Equestria Bound *Old story*

After returning home from the messed up venture in Equestria the seven mercenaries return to their home planet. Unfortunately they accidently brought with them several new equine friends with them. Little do any of them know they will be dragged into a journey that none of them had thought of doing before

This is a more recent rendition of the Lightning 7, the original story was...for lack of a better word, underdeveloped. For those that read the original story will see changes from the original for better or for worse.

Chapters (14)

Banjo and Kazooie were enjoying their life, ol' Grutny was toiling in L.O.G's workshop, everything was going fine. Well until Mumbo Jumbo and Humba Wumba got into a fight to see who was the best witch doctor in all of Spiral Mountain when a magic mishap transported them to Equestria and now they must find a way to get back home. NOT A NUTS AND BOLTS CROSSOVER!

Chapters (7)

A group of seven mercenaries consisting of a fish cyborg, roadrunner, an owl, a technological mole, platypus samurai , a mentally challenged chameleon, and a muscle bound alligator are sent to Equestria due to an inter-dimensional teleportation device going hay wire. Stranded now they must rebuild the device to return home but their arch enemy a cyborg panther makes sure they will never return.

(Takes place between season 3 and 4 (The lightning seven and Jagged nine are of my own creation *Not Sonic related Outlook and Razor will have regular wings*)
Cover art by VoidHeart http://void-heart.deviantart.com/

Chapters (16)