Okami Fans of Equestria 84 members · 7 stories

This is a group dedicated to bronies who are Okami fans and the wonderful stories written by them. Changes will be made as I think of them until the group is fully settled. So, let the Ammy Vs. Celestia discussions commence!

Comments ( 15 )
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I remember not liking this game, then watching Chuggaaconroy (best YouTuber ever) play through it and have been playing ever since.

We need Amaterasu in Smash Bros.

How interesting!
I was just looking for a group about Okami, and I'd like to thank whomever added this story to the group for doing so- now I know that such a group exists!

How interesting!
I was just looking for a group about Okami, and I'd like to thank whomever added this story to the group for doing so- now I know that such a group exists!

Finally found a group of okami fans ^^

been playing okamiden. got to the goryeo from nine months ago part.:ajsmug:

prob missed alot of secrets.:derpytongue2:

but dun't care for secret treasure.:trollestia:

317364 oh it is, it's on wii, ps2, ps3, and can be played on wiiu! A great Japan-based game it is! you should try it!

Hmmmm so this is the Okami fan group.

Comment posted by deletingthisaccount deleted Mar 2nd, 2017

Saw this in the "New Groups" section. :moustache:

I don't feel worthy of this group. :rainbowlaugh:

I'll just bask in the awesomeness that is one of Clover Studio's greatest achievements.

Yes, this is a group for fans of the game Okami and Okami Den.

Well she is a central part of Japanese mythology. I do recommend the game. It's on the Wii/Wii U, PS2, and PS3. The sequel, Okami-Den is on the DS/3DS.

Ahh, so I am a retard! I never got to play that game. :fluttershysad:
I do however remember reading the story of Amaterasu in a collection of Japanese folk tales. I'll have to revisit that...

Comment posted by Anonymous Assassin deleted Mar 21st, 2013

No as in Amaterasu-ōmikami the Japanese Goddess of the Sun. Or in the case of this group Goddess of the Sun and all around badass wolf goddess.

The attack is named after her.

Amaterasu... as in the Uchiha mangyekyo sharingan technique used by Itachi and Sasuke? Or am I completely retarded...

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