Remember... · 4:02am Jul 5th, 2013
Happy 4th of July everypony. I have a task for you, don't worry, it's not hard. Just shake the hand of the next veteran you see. Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they've made.
Happy 4th of July everypony. I have a task for you, don't worry, it's not hard. Just shake the hand of the next veteran you see. Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they've made.
If anypony want's there O.C. to be in one of my stories, then let me know!
Detailed descriptions of the O.C's appearance and personality would be best, I don't want to have to "Wing it!" (Sorry pegasi, I couldn't resist!)
Happy 4th of July everypony. I have a task for you, don't worry, it's not hard. Just shake the hand of the next veteran you see. Let them know that you appreciate the sacrifices they've made.
Oh, hey, thanks for the follow.
544696 your welcome
Hey, what can I say, Its freakin addicting! Anyhow, thanks for following me, I really appreciate it!
544679 my bro dus to
haha, I do