• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2022

Anita C Seriene

(White Starr)A pony with a random team of ex-villains, six humanlike heroes from another world, and a Martian. Yup, all misfits.

My misfits, shaming edition.

Me, I know, I'm different. Blah.

My (headcanon) brother. I just put it up like that.

My alien counterpart and (once again headcanon) sister-in-law. Don't question.

Also, sorry for suckish drawing. Computer drawing isn't my thing. :twilightblush:

Main thing.

That's me, White Starr, an ironically loved pegasus from Manehattan. I move a lot, yep. But now, I'm pretty much great here in Ponyville. Well, if things, you say, can't get any weirder in this town, here I am housing two ex-villains married, a spell-born unicorn I come to call Molly, five changeling nymphs, five human-like aliens who are basically heroes from the Spiral, a ghost from the same place, and a Martian that appears to be a dimensional copy of me or something. Irony? I guess so.

Also, I may or may not have a talent for writing literature, but I do have a talent for acting.


You know what? · 3:27am Dec 8th, 2016

I'm just gonna be on sjw.com Tumblr and Deviantart.

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Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

Thank you for adding Welcome to O.U.R. Academy to your favorites! :pinkiehappy:

1722784 alrighty then Danke

1722542 Just wanted to make your day better, so I followed. The other two idk.

  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156
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