• Member Since 29th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2020



Long Time No See · 12:52am Dec 27th, 2014

Hey guys, hope everyone had a merry Christmas and had fun with family. Personally I loved spending the holiday with both my families around the country and have started looking toward the new years. I'm turning 23 here in 4 days as well, so this time of year is fun and gives me some stuff to think about.

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Report OneTrickPon3 · 552 views · Story: Changin' Hooves ·

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

That toy story meme never gets old.

681129 oh yeah that was what all of them had as captions
"X, X everywhere"

I THINK (I'm not exactly sure though) the caption to this was "Bass. Bass everywhere." Or something like that.

62268 i need to know 1 thing:
what pony meme is that in your avatar picture?
One pony holding another kind of panic-kingly, pointing outward at something

Comment posted by OneTrickPon3 deleted Feb 8th, 2013
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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