• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Divine Path

"Perfectly Immoral Moral Person" and "Fantastical Explorer" I will not succumb to this hunger. Let these pages sate yours as well as mine. Also, I'd like longer eyelashesO_o

Miss Diplomat of the Obvious
Time for revision!

こんにちわ, 私のなまえをエミリです
I'm bilingual and speak Norwegian and English, kinda learning to read the non-kanji for now, and I'm decent in French.

I am that young old lady a young adult person treacherously falling from grace into something delightfully fantastic and dark. I am the princess of bullets and magic~
Though I've long suffered from writer's block, I write, both poetry and prose. I'm a casual anime fan, and a raging Touhou fanatic, entwined close by pony hugs. Recently in love with lawyering and exposing contradictions. <3 Aspergirl, transgender and silly, a wild narrative seeking an answer~
Apparently I'm an admin of the LGBT group now.

Things I have contributed to;

Rhythm and Harmony: The Octascratch Prompt Collab

Remilia's Scarlet Equestria by Dragonborne Fox
Link to old avatar which is now in the corner
Link to new avatar which serves the majority of the new picture
]Link to dinosaur scientist lady depicted there
Patche's hand
Rogue Rainbow
girlfriends carrying each other
Link to gif

[X] Have no bucket list at all.
[X] Have never had a booket list.
[X] Reach ninety followers.
[X] Reach one hundred and twenty followers.
[X]Reach one hundred and fifty followers.
[X] Reach two hundred followers.
[X] Be angsty.
[X] Get very angsty.
[X] Start a blog dedicated toward being angsty.
[X] Hold a brief conversation with Regidar.
[] Finish and publish a story on my own account.
[/] Become (in)famous.
[] Have knighty respond to me and engage in verbal debate.
[X] Be known for our commentary.
[X] Be up-voted more than ten times.
[X] Be up-voted more than twenty times.
[X] Be up-voted more than thirty times.
[X] Be up-voted more than fifty times.
[] Be up-voted more than one hundred times.
[X] Add ten separate stories deserving of the Lost in the darkness bookshelf.
[X] Add twenty separate stories deserving of the Lost in the darkness bookshelf.
[X] Add fifty separate stories deserving of the Lost in the darkness bookshelf.
[X] Create ten separate libraries.
[] Create twenty separate libraries.
[X] Submit another story.
[X] Add a story to ten separate libraries.


More commentary may be found here.
Comment on What Lies Beneath The Surface

Not trusting this marine biologist character...

Along the seas, searching for an answer
harken to the call of waves;
an you will play with these forces,
let it take you along this ride.
Harken to the call of adventure,
'til the next divide,
that you meet again on this Earth.

Comment on The Demesne of The Reluctant Twilight Sparkle

Interesting developments.:3

Through the nightly hour
losing light and feeling cold
might there be comfort
For these times troubled and
might there be peace and content for each wounded heart.

Comment on Grossly Incandescent

Such delightful conversation. :heart:
Stricken with the
malady of cold,
the fleeting passages flee from sight,
out of mind words flow
to be lost among the sand,
as one night, the hour glass turns.

Still might these sensations linger
if not in thought, upon thy skin.
Thou amidst the falling night,
might the stars yet guide thee on a path
not so prickly,
promising, surely
the end of an age
and an everlasting Light.

This got heavy quite fast...

Search among yourself
that you remain mindful of the warmth of love
That you may find the way back to your light
even through the approaching cold of uncaring night.

Comment on Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony

These ponies are poison. They need to be thrown off their fancy seats and learn how to do science properly. :derpytongue2:

How it laughs and jeers,
those foolish smiles with sharp teeth
one day stained with tears,
how it will weep, bleeding its poison
laughing still, the tragic clown,
fading at last into cursed darkness,
learning it knows nothing,
its own creeds laid to waste,

Might it be soon torn apart,
that pitiful body of souls
wrapped in twisted bonds of resentment.


Intriguing! :rainbowkiss: Seems this dangerous game has just begun.

Of lurking shadows, breaths of cold,
tension rises,
yet hidden are these barbs.
Dancing wilder amid the storm,
no rest for the wicked
and trying, finding justice then
for that blight, as ill, black as night
it swallows
the heart of grief.
Then, the Sun rises.


Social issues, don't we know 'em.
Hopefully more bonding will happen in magic class!

Ever valiant,
the beating heart fills with yearning
for warmth,
during winters of passing feelings
so dear, painful
against this shattered frame.
The mirror must lie.


Comment on 80 Days 'Til the World's Farthest Shore

Her Royal Studiousness at her least awkward.:D

*Feeling stronger, dream
Tonight's journey to a home
Displaced in the past*

For never forgotten
is the familiar wind,
the shining sun that you've seen
as bright as many smiles of beautiful faces.


Comment on Binky Pie

Screw Orderly order, some spontaneity is in order.

Filled with strength,
in that be driven toward light,
drawing in the lost darkness,
daring to fight against despair.
Sailing through yet troubled waters,
a beacon of guidance for those
to re-awaken into warmth.


Comment on There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me

For pony indeed. Nothing to making sure Turbo turbos his way out.

night will come,
then let it strengthen you,
in its moonlight bask,
so that you may bring back from shadow
this warmth.


I see the arcade society has grown to understand villains better. I wonder if the prejuide has been eradicated yet?

*Lost among spectres
Fleeting sweet, yet seeking then
Some new pleasant dreams*


Comment on Stitches

This is incredibly depressing. Good job.:fluttercry:

*Few words spoken now,
A still, respectful silence
For the times now lost*

The sought-for peace,
ringing in the night
and shadow,
might it some day lose its bitter touch,
and learn to fade to sweet flavours
of care.

Excellent work.

Comments on The Changeling of the Guard

Suddenly darkness. Looks like something may need to be beaten down.

Creeping night,
soon falling,
a lonely cry to fear.
For it will bring cold,
so prepare,
and protect the warmth of your hearts
from the ever-pressing cold,
deep within the terror.


How convenient. Now you may have a roof over your head, at least.

*Solitary soul
Torn into deeper darkness
Now you must slumber*


That was a close one.:3 Hopfully he'll prepare himself better for what must come~

Wandering among ignorance,
yet seeking to learn.
In those,
new, wondrous days
finding peace and prosperity
within a light most bright,
and warm.


Intriguing prose.:rainbowkiss: I like the alien feeling.

*On a search for self
struggling among the unknown
Still daring to hope*


Comments on Wily's Wittle Wub

Oh, Vinyl. What a sneaky thing you are.

Without shame,
lost in the warmth while a rampant cold
seeks to lay you in unease.
Remain there,
filled with love.


Bonding indeed, and actually justifying the deliberate weaknesses. It's a fairly nice strategy.

*Shoot true in seeking
a justice amidst the chaos
and bringing to peace.*


Arbitrary conflicts between friendly enemies is fun.

Two ways walking,
paved in desperate compassion,
perhaps misled through the darkness;
Choosing war,
and sending for peace,
striving for the better future.

Two ways,
laced with a love,
though tainted,
must protect from the icy grip
of despair.


Even Wily can't be excempt from the adorable friendship of ponies.:yay:
Seems like she might have been de-aged, judging by her already having a cutie mark. I wonder what sort of direction this will take...

*Safe within that space,
To thrive and prosper so sweet
To have no regrets*

A new direction,
another way,
the tide's flow to change its course.
With that,
warmth shall remind you of peace.

Comment on Cheer Princess

Learning and other fun begins now.:3

Confronted by a blurry past,
compelled to find way again into that forgotten dream once green
and sweet.

Within will and care
can the door open
for those souls who grieve for the lost.


Comments on The Clockwork Consequence

Hopefully someone can instill a few more morals in that colt. Nightmare isn't the best mum...

the night fallen over a black horizon,
that no longer prospers.
With the arrival of dawn,
be filled with warmth again.
Re-learn the meaning of this
wondrous magic,
a love they call fantasy,
a fantasy that is friendship.


Oh goodness, this could be bad. Hopefully Twilight's destiny is close enough for her to deal with such unexpected danger.

*A fine line severed
Between two worlds, dark and light
Then becoming one*


Ahh, this is making me uncomfortable. Still, building on a broken, false life will be most scrumptuous.

*Faces lost, unseen
Words streaming rapidly, a
Story's ending yet set*

We shall read on.

Comment on Rarity's Quest to Save Literally Everything

Interesting. I wonder what cosmic powers are at work here, and why Rarity is the chosen one? For that matter, what has Twilight been messing with?:twilightoops:

*Scuffle toward light,
walk with hard yet heavy steps
under this burden*

Fear nothing but nothing,
fading away into unknownness.
Be fueled,
in warmth of kinship,
and allow your triumph over these
dark skies filled with ill
and premonition
of the soon falling night,
black and cold,
so then you will learn to know
the escape from these depths of despair.


Comments on Photo Dash

Reckoning is growing closer.:heart:

*Fantasies unbound
Seeking within, an answer
Still rising higher*

Awaiting further releases.

This is incredibly interesting. :rainbowkiss:

*Free the halves unite
Dreaming, each as wonderful
Blissful ambition*


Comments on Fallout: Equestria - The Chrysalis

Seriously, she was already mal-nourished. What part of "I needed to protect myself from certain death, and I'm putting a lot of faith in you ponies by telling you about this" did you not understand? :facehoof: Your feelings are understandable. Letting them impact your decisions like this? It's... not.

Once more broken,
the pieces of a beautiful mirror lie
among trodden earth while
the sound of bells ring.
In day turned to night,
soon abandoned
into the rain of raging and despair.

Know the scorned need prioritise
the prized bonds woven so firm
within storms and conflict.
For this is a mistake.

Awaiting further releases.

Raider or not, some morals need to be asserted here. This world can only really be repaired through this kind of effort.

*This earth stained dripping,
Among pale blades of flurry
For the close of rest*

In wake of ruin,
solitude must not come to be.
Build a day,
a place of warmth—
supreme is the power of faith
that grants perseverance in trial and tribulation.
Let yourself rest amidst the stream,
through red, as cold and in brilliant light!
For only together
will you prevail.

We shall read on.

Twilight might be watching. Interesting.
Yay, for friendships~

*Sustained by this love
Find you shelter in deep warmth
That you might prosper*

We shall read on.

Comments on The Magic World

I hope there will be an adequately golden ending, with all friends re-united.:3 Thank you so much for this so far.

*On note of bleakness
In fortitude, all your skill
Will victory come.*

Returning to the night,
to bring the hours for another dawn to come,
you have learnt so much and yet you must yet do.
For the sake of this world's light,
remain just and fortuitous
in the wake of the ruins of the former world,
welcomed along its lost souls to fantasy.

Awaiting further releases.

Now to see the future Tham'ra enabled. Power to the princesses, I hope!

*Spoken far too soon
Nurtured in gentle embrace
So that you succeed*

May it be dawn,
and renunion bring Harmony to this land.

We shall read on.

You are making history with your shenanigans!

Around, around the prickling bush,
from flowers and new soil birthed,
dancing into this dark age of ponykind.
With your knowledge, prosper,
so that the reckoning of truest Dawn
may at last rise over this land
void of harmony.

We shall read on.

Interesting. Presumably stuck in time before Equestria was founded. That being said, screw the pegasi
I like how different the culture seems a thousand years ago and with a language barrier in front of you. Primitive yet complex.

*Under grains of sand
Rested while broken winds blow
Burying lost time*

With this all cast to nothing,
all will be lost and all will be gained.
Yet with every answer will be a question.
Search well.

We shall read on.

Comments on Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane / Spiders and Magic II: Eleven Months
Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane

Complicated intentions. How expectedly unexpected. I trust neither party for now :yay:

Fool for a sake,
of withering to dust, the flowers,
the cries amid the silence losing voice.
Hoping to reach someone,
listening then,
daring to try.
As night falls,
a trickster most sly,
one bides her time
one won't sing, that tune
for another, cursed crime.

Still, among the flowers,
for soon to rest.
Quick, quick, the fading hours
spell "the end" of this breaking quest.
That hour grows nearer, then.


If you're going to play with Chaos, you've got to be prepared to keep your luck in the good zone. Variables don't have to screw you over, if you're careful. :derpytongue2: Adagio needs to break down.

*Silver light's breaking
Over the rainbow such sweet,
bitter taste of tears*


...No, you won't. You're consumed by a misplaced sense of revenge. Hopefully, you'll crumble before you have too far to fall.

breaking down,
from dreams,
waking up and
losing sight of what was,
were to be
warm and close,
in fragments now, the sensation of

For that world of peace and light.
Now yours are filled with doubt.


Adagio is silly.
Hopefully everyone won't be surprised. :P

*Now the flame dances
Caring not to grow brighter
The wind is blowing*


Hopefully Twilight will communicate better next time.

Past returns,
with far too much care, it seems,
unveiling ripe feelings of
hurt and love,
in conflict.
Learn this,
to feel,
to see,
and move on and enrichen,
these ties now bare,
even across time.


Sonata having depth and being competent, what is this

Shaken of faith,
indecision along the dark roads,
faltering slowly and it fades,
that fleeting moment,
flickering flame so tender and
To rest now in peace.
To learn a different feeling
of warmth.


This could have been handled better, no doubt. Poor Parkers.
*Fated toward it,
nightmarish uncertainty
erring on friendships.*


How awfully cynical of Celestia. Interesting development~

*The tension rises
Sinister machinations,
To attack this love*


Ursa is adorbs. Such a cute chapter.:heart:

*Such loveliness,
Ripe with joyful sentiments
And sharing new warmth*

Gathering underneath the night sky to see the stars,
similarly to crafting them,
keeping cold away.


Yay, how sweet and cuddly~

*Of words and whispers
Most pure and sweet will they bring
A time worth it all*

Let knowledge in stream
as love flows freely through your hearts conjoined
bring you unto warmth,
mend your bones,
and in full understanding, be set free.

We shall read on.

...Did you WANT your world to come down on your heads in sea of blood and raging fire? Is that why you shun the individual that has repeatedly saved your respective behinds from various threats to your persons and loved ones? Next time, I'm sure Peter will be the hero he's always been, but maybe you'd best get a taste of what you're taking for granted getting taken away from you. Sod off, you imbecilic and narrow-minded lot.

For this sin.
Long forgiven yet resented,
you will be pained by its unyielding weight.
Know your guilt and come apart
to bonds of trust and blades of reason
to reform a better state.

You will learn again the teachings of this land,
firmer, so that you do not stray
and let be cast the spell of darkness.

Excellent work, dear Author.

You've got the sentiment right. I am intrigued~

Strove for honour
found this pain,
fallen to its gentle rust,
insidious break.
A battered heart, closed from warmth,
long sold to nothing, paid most little
a broken sword.

For this tragic spectre, it is expected,
that even the coldest, blackest nights might yield comfort,
yet undying his light;
the whispers of the heart.

We shall read on.

Trixie the greatly troublesome, everypony. :facehoof:

*Splendid intervened
Chaos to come this night so quick
bringing with despair*

We shall read on.

Yay, sweet character development and friendship~

*Guided out from dark,
lonely misconceptions
into true glory*

We shall read on.

Comment on Applejack Writes a Novel

What a pervasive bittersweet. A most delightful taste.:heart:
This is a really good Applejack, by the way. What lovely characterisation.

*In comfort loved
With this warmth giving life
Through yet more cold nights*

Excellent work, dear Author.

Comments on Metamorphosis

Well, this is refreshingly pleasant. York is good medicine for a changeling.
Finally, some friends~

*Broken chitin flesh,
return from it triumphant,
being filled with love*

for now that you have been found,
you will be no longer lost among darkness.
for now your path is lit.
Though you have lost you can again
find peace in this new world,
a new chance to change.
Rise from despair and from grief,
to live again,
so that this life given will not be in vain,
so this battered soul will mend through the pleasant dream
of a city founded, plentiful and near the heart,
in this re-imagined, magical world of salvation.

Awaiting further releases.

Oh, Yuri...:pinkiesad2:
Well, those were my feels.

Still wandering,
through the ache and tear,
permitting yourself no rest amidst the thorns of unease.
Now, you go to rest among warmth,
as another cruel night gives way to day,
the gentle light giving strength,
so that, cradled deep,
by feelings strong of compassion,
you might always have faith.

The mind is a brittle thing, but to survive it must be maintained the best you can. I hope she learns that she will not be alone.

*These vile words spoken,
saturated in ill, black.
the cold fear unknown*

Be still, now,
rest within the light you have found.
Seek, now,
the warmth and safety of another word.
Bleed, now,
but do not despair,
as the world learns to admit itself into a love
that will sustain your weary body;
let it instead flow through these wounds,
through your hapless and fearful being.
Do not fall, blink and fade
into such a haphazard nightmare,
feeling lost even in the embrace of the familiar,
near, nurturing,
trapped yet in this fate amongst strangers and dearest bittersweet.

We shall read on.

Comments on The Last Pony on Earth/ Founders of Alexandria

Sure, that one mare's death is reprehensible, but all those other deaths you have caused and have threatened to cause aren't.
Have we a thoroughly bonkers, resentful and atrocious individual opposing our heroes? Yes! We've got a winner! Now for the horrific price; death by one hundred utterly painful methods.:pinkiehappy:

The night is not yours.
Might it invite you into darkness,
bring you to the brink of despair,
shattered along your broken self by the biting cold,
shunned by this light and warmth you spurned.
May you not rest this night, you tragic beast,
as you fall into a restlessly eternal sleep.
Amidst the shadows, find no comfort,
be still in an embrace that inspires terror,
forever sinking as forever restless, futilely
you call their name.

May it all in spite of the cold grip of fear
be brought together under these rays,
the brilliant shine,
these plentiful fruits of love's labour.

We shall read on.

All of my feelings to the new changeling child. The Queen approves. This child must not be insufficiently fed.
A learning experience indeed. This is where things will get interesting. Oh, Adrian, you big softie~

From darkness,
solitary and afraid,
brought into the warmth of light.
Be sustained from this,
the love uniting this new world
blessed beneath another sun.

We shall read on.

This was amazing, filled with heartache, despair, hope, and determination. What a delicious tale.:heart:

In the wake of disaster,
the ruins of that world,
you may live again.
you displaced children of man,
become great in the warmth of life renewed,
as fresh and free as a second breath;
might the fires that consumed your world grant you power
and passion,
so that you might again be among the gentle breeze,
the sunny skies,
the fleeting clouds of day,
feel the veil of a night under the blankets of your bed,
that now, among a new future,
you will be bound tighter
by the pleasant bonds forged through misery and perseverance.

Excellent work, dear Author.

This.. is sinister. I wonder what their intent is?

Solitary in the darkness of uncertainty,
in the cold of the unknown, breaking.
Already has a night visited unto you,
harbouring a silence that brings terror.
Uneasily, you rest.

Should you hold strong against this biting cold,
undefeated by such malice,
then grow to always feel warm
in this light of such glorious harmony.

We shall read on.

Yay for bonding! A brainiac should be useful in this sort of situation anyway, so hopefully there be no significant secrets between them~

that such wondrous light shall grant you peace,
and in another fleeting haven, you will find rest
so that presently you might
find strength to live in solitude
from the kingdom of man now passed.
That a bond crafted might grow strong,
protect one's heart from cold and from blackness,
creating again this world into prosperity—
a world filled with love.

We shall read on.

A canine companion is nice. I am ever curious, this bait is true~

*Silence in the night
Through its gentle cold tapping
The heart's warmth threatened*

We shall read on.

Comment on A Puppet To Her Fame

Even the mightiest can fall. Hah, as if she ever had even an ounce of power that could not be taken away with Octavia's resolve growing stronger.

*Played a symphony
Such with feelings sorrow wrought
Gain well, strength from these*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Comments on Headless, not Heartless / Golden Grace, Headless Headaches / The life and Times of an Alchemist Turned Pony'

Let another life begin~

Pleasant bittersweet,
pleasure among this new end
that can only precede a beginning.
Let it all grow to love again,
bring warmth,
the sun again most bright,
from the sky might there be light.
Now, you awaken to day;
this new dawn breaks.

Excellent work, dear Author! :pinkiehappy:

The CMC engages you~
So it seems this is a time to strengthen relationships.:3

*Flicker pleasantly
A flame's great dance for weary hearts
Bringing warmth to you*

We shall read on.:pinkiemsile:

And the hurricane before the cataclysm, I imagine. Hopefully not.
This organisation seems confident in themselves to make such an obvious attack, but hopefully Auric will be cynical enough not to be lulled. Time for more jolly co-operation!

*Righteousness unswayed
A tragic machination
Against our blessed light.*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

I think Chrysalis is going to be maaaad. Enjoy a shower in your own blood, if that's not too good for you.

You will be haunted by
a nightmare so profound, so dark
that no light will pierce its cold,
unfeeling piece.

This world's foundations,
will aid the sun,
and that on which it shines;
banish shade and coldness from their hearts,
through the wondrous day,
before a night so lone, despairing.
A reason to love,
that will prevail.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

I rather think these new evils will know death.
And so, another conflict~

Offend not the sun that grants light,
nor what gives form to this world.
Find understanding through a fate to come,
forever pained by one's sin
burnt firmly unto mind.

Now, it sleeps,
that fluttering,
sweet dream.
When it brings warmth,
bring them all into this happiness.

We shall read on. :pinkiesmile:

A good ruler to her subjects. She's surely worthy as a champion.

Inspired to breathe the same air with ardor,
to learn to see this world as it is meant to be.
Soon might each heart feel warmth.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

It seems peace may come soon.

Through strife,
you stand, stronger, wiser,
filled with a love for this wonderful dream-
together you ride,
surely resting deep within.
A new life awaits within fantasy.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Their differerences become clear.

Two paths,
one through hidden barbs,
one laced with honey-covered grass,
now they grow distant.
for a person hiding in darkness can lose their way,
broken between the dawn.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Such dawwww~
Let's see how this little community fares.

*Wrought to sharpened steel
Tool through strife a foughten field
Cut darkness only*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Comments on Her Knight in Faded Armour

I want to believe him. I want to recognise that love as earnest. :fluttershysad:

*With the General's words
His elusive gaze softened
The endgame is nigh.*

Does he see the same light?

Awaiting further releases.

I now doubt Chaput stands against Equestria, and believe that it is in his best interests to protect the country. If he is this cunning, he can't possible lose if he ends up being the biggest bad. This story is not a tragedy so far, so...
Now, the fun part comes. A cornered rat lashes out, despite the futility of the action..

*Last piece spread on board
Joined by some, black as white shade
Against something darker*

Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

Dorks are always three-dimensional at all times. Also, fun.:3
I don't see a tragedy tag, so I hope that there will be a happy end.

Silver glimmering shyly,
front of battle clashes.
The light guiding you is of power,
and may it cover a pleasant path.

The night has come,
but might you pay it no heed,
in your embrace,
ever warm.
Have strength, little ponies,
for you have faith.

Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

Oh my goodness, so wonderful. This jumpstarts it into my libaries prematurely~

*Without cold you might
Feel warmth throughout night blissfull
For now in safety*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Oh dear. Any meeting with the mad Father won't end well.

*Sickly luminant
A flame dancing erratically
Through the night unstayed.*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

So many schemes! So many schemes! This is getting quite interesting.:3
We can't trust Chaput, but neither should we dismiss him. His sly claws are needed for this situation.

*With night falling swift
Stategies and machination
You may dream some plan*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Can you feel the love toniight~?
So anxious for the revelation~

So with this broken shadow,
A dawn may come.
Dusk come first, perhaps,
thus a fluttering of leaves,
and beneath the moon illuminated.

May peace reign even in strife.
Might a clash mean harmony.
Once cold and dark has passed,
Another day must dawn.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Hmm, a sufficiently unlikable villain. I'll be looking forward to his fall.

*Fear not a blink fades
Let peace reign this moment sweet
Now whilst you slumber*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

It's a promise. Promise not to freak out when you see me. :rainbowkiss:

Love will not fade,
surely with this image.
Be near,
be still,
let dreams be spun through the night.
For, together,
you will be dreaming.

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

This seems promising. Plot with delectable character interaction? Signed. :rainbowkiss:

*Wrapped in loving shade
Wondrous warmth for cold a shell
Un-alone this dream*

We shall read on. :pinkiesmile:

Comment on Lupine Tree

Oh my goodness, I hope Jack understands (though understandable) how dumb he is being. He has sapience, so he should use it.

*That fire which burns bright
Need not be to ashen devoured
Yipping in the dark*

Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

Oh my goodness, this is so wonderful. Emotionally compelling and engaging~

*One from many things
Bring about a wondrous love
Find solace in warmth.*

We shall read on.:pinkiesmile:

Comment on Fleet

This narrative inspires emotion. I felt really bad for Fleetfoot.:fluttershysad: I'm most intrigued, and curious for what sumptuously sweet sorrow awaits.

Caught in a trap,
a wheel of agony and decay—
filled with regret and ache of heart!
Hidden tragically in its pained embrace wrapped,
silently screaming as it wastes away.

Repeating that which brings naught but cold and pain;
as you soar, falling hard and shatter,
as a heart filled with the cold of nothingness
and a soul hidden in darkness are wrought with despair.

Send for warmth these cold nights,
find peace in that dream—
Free of worry,
free of strife.
Then be at peace,
wrapped in a blanket of warmth,
by a hearth of comforting fire.

Awaiting further releases.:fluttershysad:

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This was just too cute.

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I can't really pick a favourite character, though. I like Papyrus and Alphys and Undyne a lot. And Asriel and Asgore. And Sans.


Cloudhammer and crisis · 10:13am Apr 26th, 2021

Some time ago, Cloudhammer and his husband lost their home and most of their belongings to a fire. A Fundme

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Current favorite characters & Touhou things, official and fanmade

Our village of honest men originally consisted of only eight people.
We all picked up and moved to a mountain in the east. Two years of honestly boring daily life passed us by.
One day, one of us found a little hole in a peach tree.
Yes, that was the day we were lost in this paradise.
And right away, I stopped being human.

Duh. She won't ever leave this spot.:rainbowwild:

My, I believe I have a second favourite character.

An absolutely loveable doggo who protects! PROTECC IT ALL

This girl is so precious and sad. Make her stop being sad.

ZUN's always go the magic, but this girl's lovely tunes and personality has just won me over.

Hope has to be be managed evenly, by my hand!
Now, give it back to me!
My hope...
No, the hope of every human being!
~Hata no Kokoro

Hold on,
let me think this through.
In the first place...

In the first place,
wasn't the Mask of Hope MINE?!
What am I afraid of?
I can just kill her and take it back!
That is my hope!
~Hata no Kokoro

I don't know everything about what's going on, but...
I don't care about sending any spirits in.
I wanted to go see above ground for myself...

And then I'll melt it all away with my atomic fire.
Are you strong enough to fight in the preliminaries?
Do you have a power that can match nuclear fusion!?
~Reiuji Utsuho

You ought to watch out, yourself.
Even a high-school girl can make her own
weapons these days, after all...
~Usami Sumireko

There's nothing to fear from the mysterious.
In this day and age, even children can make
whole collections of youkai.

Know the power of human intelligence!
And thus...

Lament the small, narrow world
that you've been shut inside!
~Usami Sumireko

As I thought,
everyone in Gensokyo just wants to fight.
And they all look down on their opponents too.

So which is gonna win:
the wisdom of humanity,
or a devil born of distortion?
I won't be satisfied until I've tested this!
~Usami Sumireko

The death of this high school
girl you cornered will surely
remain in your memory!
Ah, what a beautiful death.
What a worthwhile death.

It's not beautiful at all!
There's nothing worthwhile about a suicide bombing!
I'm the shrine maiden of paradise,
Reimu Hakurei!
I'll protect the Barrier, no matter what!
And I'm not gonna let some human
die stupidly right in front of me!

My final night in the Human World will be
Your first night in Gensokyo will be

[Sumireko, Reimu]
Etched into the depths of your genes!
Etched until you're sick of the nightmares!

Ill will and deep secrets..., huh.
Very typical of you to see it like that.
This is an artifact from the outside world.
Someone has to be setting this up in here from the outside.
If that person grows an infatuation to this Gensokyou,
then nothing good will come from it.

The Outside World... is it?
Now I understand why there's so many unknown things
about its true nature.

That's why I decided to set out and gather them myself,
so I could study them.
Well, that's my answer.
How about yours?
What's your reason to gather these balls?

As for me... I gather them all to seal them,
so these urban legends
won't be used for evil.

Seal them? Oh yeah,
putting a lid over anything you deem rotten
is what your folks specialize in.

Don't make me laugh.
These urban legends spread themselves
naturally through rumours.
You can't put a lock on people's mouths,
can you?

Anyway, it seems like there's no way to get these Occult Balls
without a fight.

Also, through this fight, we can decide which ideology is right.
Yours, or mine.

It can't be helped.
You are after all, too wise for your own good.
I can't let such a person wield
this power of nightmare!

"Hmph, you said attacking is a youkai's duty?
You sure like exaggerating, because to my eyes, every single one of them looks like fangless, domesticated animals.

Let me tell you,
let me show you,
let me teach you,
let me remind you
about the true nature of youkai.
About what it means "to attack".

If you want me to pull back, then push me back,
with unfair and merciless violence,
as that's the one and only "truth" that can move us.
You may die remembering this,
The "being" called the Scarlet Devil.
Learn and proceed to the next world...
This... is how "we" should be."

"—Aargh, such tragedy!
My voice, my heart has yet to reach the one I yearn for!
I'm even begging you this much...
...but your ears are deaf towards my cry!
Hear me howl!
What have I ever done!?
How much do I need to tear apart again!?
Tell me, my Fate!
How do I need to cheat!? What do I need to sacrifice!?
Why won't you face me, fair and square, at last!?
I'm asking you, o dreadful aberration!"

"We are the devils...
...devil is a desire...
...and "fear" incarnate, the manifestation of terror itself.

Borrowing your exposition...
..we are no more than an entity to be feared.
Thus, no matter the opponent...

...we do not hesitate...
...we show no mercy...
...we prevail.

Fear this silhouette.
Freeze at the sound of this voice.
Tremble at the sight of these fangs.
Feel with the marrow of your bones...
...etch it deep into your entrails...
...for we are...
The 'Scarlet Devil'."

~Remilia Scarlet

"...There was a time where I had been living...
Without knowing the purpose of my existence.
I was a little envious of the youkai around me... The youkai who didn't even care about it.
I could not get along with them.
I tried to join a group of humans as well.
But in the end, that did not come true either.

I had no family name.
I had no kin either.
Even though I wasn't even a person...
And because I was "myself",
I had nowhere to go.

I'm different now.
Now I have a home to go back to,
a place to protect,
a real existence.
I was granted a name by people, and a master to serve.
How joyous it was,
how irreplaceable it was...
Can you understand that?"

"...I understand too.
For me, it's the same."

"Then you should understand all the more.
I will not back down.
Even if under this fist,
I must build a mountain of thousands of corpses!"

"And even if it means becoming a part of that mountain... huh."

"That was an inelegant proposal, so please forget about it."

"—This stone is...
...the crystalised essence of magic and alchemy.
You said you wield the power to sever the causative ties themselves...
...but I possess the one to overrule the reason and construct the lore anew.
Don't... underestimate my magic."

"—This barrier is essentially flawless.
You can't break through it by force...
...and I can't decipher it with all my knowledge.
It prevents any kind of leak, rejecting everything.
I'm afraid even casters themselves...
...can't even hope to touch it if they don't distort the rules.

That's why you couldn't do anything about it up until now.
This is the barrier designed to detach all ties, forcing everything to end.
And for that reason...
...the power of this magic will not reach them either.

So, this shrewd and petty witch wishes to whisper some words for the most wise and honorable Sage...
'Thank you for constructing these lovely castle walls...
...we can now kidnap the princess with nobody to get in our way.'"

~Patchouli Knowledge

From Gensokyo

Is it the fantasy lost to man...

...or perhaps— what was dreamt by something that was already illusion?

It is fantastic...the glorious light of beautiful barrage; hidden within the depths of phantasm.

(Third GIF taken from Danmakugifs.)

My interests include Rosenkreuzstilette, Touhou Project, Undertale, Haunting Ground, music, poetry, psychology, reading, Dark Souls, Doctor Who, Shovel Knight, Skullgirls, Ace Attorney and Friendship is Magic.

| Game # | Easy | Normal | Hard | Lunatic | Extra |
|____5_____|_______|____________|____X__|_________|_________|(Alice's fourth spell)
|# Camera |#Umbrella | #Fabric | #No item |

(Legacy) (Point Device)

"X : with continue (mind you I hardly ever continue)
✔: without continue
#: The farthest stage I can get to (Spell Card for Extra)"

If I stopped at a stage it was either because I grew tired of failing Spell Cards or had no more time.:derpytongue2:


Best instrument is the piano.

Comments ( 890 )
  • Viewing 886 - 890 of 890

Nope, it’s the very same!

Did you change the yellow you use? I could swear it's easier to read than it used to be.

  • Viewing 886 - 890 of 890
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Cumulus. Tiny droplets fell casually from a height one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight point eight meters. Water stained my windows, a wind blew unrelenting toward the house. A silent roar permeated through the building as the trees outside shook agonizingly. I believe I should thank Vinyl when next I see her for having the foresight to request help for repairing the leaky bits. Droplets hit and beat against every surface outside; 'plip, plop' and a 'plp.' Were I of the simpler sort, I would perhaps have found the sounds they made charming, melodious.
It seems I must be brief. I am Stradivari-Philharmonica Octavia Melody, although the full title has since lost its charm. You may call me Octavia. Octavia Melody. This is the name my friends would know. I am a cellist; I perform before the Canterlot elite beside my friends and colleagues within the Royal Canterlot Symphony. Very recently did I obtain the position of first chair cellist. It is still such a shock to me that I now perform before the noble blood, and at occasion, the regal sisters themselves. However, enough about that. I imagine you came for a rather different story, did you not?
I began with Rain. It possesses a rather sentimental value to me, I admit. Of course, there have been multitudes of explanations for the phenomenon's less prosaic presence. These including the cleansing of souls, a premature grieving for the nearly departed and the sign that those have indeed reached their enlightenment or haven in the afterlife. Naturally, the pegasi hold power of the skies themselves. They, and the apt spell casters may bend the tempests and winds to form the weather they desire. That including clouds. Rain. An arbitrary and minor orkan was apparently scheduled for today, which would be the stormy weather I saw outside where it is stronger. I felt a pleasant wistfulness gazing at the distinct blue, the colour of vitality, youth. However, enough about that. We have much to discuss, and oh so little time. I hope to bring just a little clarity to the situation.
Vinyl Scratch is a DJ, an operator of the musical medium 'turntable' as it is used for playing the "modern" form of music found in private celebrations in recent years. Unlike myself, she is a unicorn, donning a pair of violet shades and always with an electric blue mane resulting from a less than fortunate choice of dye. I still cannot enjoy this...music to the extent that she adores it.
We met once at the doors of the Selection de Masque, my choice of 'diner' during my time in school, and even now. It is a fantastic space with excellent food. Hence the name, the establishment is also known for entertaining their guests with various form of dance, play and music. I have performed on this stage a few times in the past. I cherish those moments, for my friends and family witnessed them. I was more childlike then, I assume, standing by the doors that evening. I recall vividly the eyes that perplexed me as I had gazed further into them, scrying for something I could recognize. An enigma, she was. She was out of place, of course. I could tell.
The visible contempt of a noble of the unicorn house, the self-centricity of the privileged, the confidence of a prominent spell caster, assured of their own skill; these qualities were not in her eyes that day. Although, she did return my gaze.
Confidence was something she never lacked, I suppose. Do forgive the slight mistake. That might have been the reason why she, immediately upon being ushered in with me, suggested I sit by her over the course of our meal. "It would have been, totally awesome— I mean, it would be most kind of you to sit by me for this meal. I would be honoured to say a few words." Says she, the white disc jockey who breaks walls with her music. I will never let her live that down.
Let me briefly break pace with the following warning; Vinyl Scratch. As much as I love you, Vinyl, I will be forced to withdraw your allowance and banish you to your room should you continue to correct any instances of my typical Canterlot syntax. I will see you shortly, "honey."
Now, where were we? Ah, yes. The de Masque. "Certainly." I suppose the name of the diner inadvertently came to form significance in my life, as the Rain. Curiously enough, there were few available seats, so we found ourselves a tighter spot to sit in. There was only a booth at a wall where we could sit together, so we had to share it, in close proximity. Back then, I had felt something that could be described as almost amorous. I have little doubt this meeting was what possessed me to ever consider dating a disc jockey, much less a mare. Yes, you did not misread. I, Stradivari-Philharmonica Octavia Melody, came to fall for a pony of the same sex. "Thank you very much for your offer. My name is Stradivari- Philharmonica Octavia Melody. I play the cello in the Canterlot Symphony." For it was our name at the time, unknown to the general public as we were. "It is a pleasure to meet you." A blush, I recall, had festered on both of our cheeks. Mine was accompanied by a teensy smile. Hmhm. Ah, how lovely it was. "Who could you be?" I gave her a pleasant smile, further raising the level of pheromones in the air. Ah, forgive me. I feel so amorous with the current melancholy of the Rain.
"Right. Uh, sorry." You wouldn't believe this poor girl was the famous DJ PON3, who even then was a popular character within the modern music scene. I feel nostalgic, recalling how cute she was as she struggled to maintain the charade of a noblemare. All...the night...long. I believe she introduced herself as 'Vinyl Richter Percussio-Laud Scratch.' I commend her for putting together such a ridiculous name within three seconds of my question.
We spent an hour eating in silence, save the compliments to the cook. I myself felt uneasy. As we continued, I tried my best to introduce a topic, anything at all to disperse the hints of tension lingering about our space. I hated that I never learnt the finer point of conversing. I felt a vast despair looking at the mare. This was supposed to be a nice evening with a prospective friend. Why had she lied about her rank? Why was she acting this way? I felt insecure, foolish and scared.
We kissed.
It wasn't intentional. We simply happened to, in our awkwardness, look at one another a bit too swiftly, a bit too closely. The kiss was brief, though it stuck for a moment. I cannot possibly describe the emotions that had surged through our heads that moment. A blush formed on my cheeks. Vinyl galloped. The doors closed, and suddenly I was alone.
I ran as well, swiftly throwing the appropriate amount of bits on the table, and rushed outside. The mare fled, and I pursued. Like a twisted game of tag, mirrored by the playing of foals in the background, I chased the snowy white mare, tarnished by her own tears and the despair. I couldn't make sense of anything. I hunted her across the town, dodging nobility and rambunctious foals, gallop did I, flee did she, continuing into an unrestrained fear I could not comprehend.
Finally, she stopped, and she looked at me. A sob surfaced, and I no longer thought. I embraced the foolish girl earnestly. She sobbed into my hooves. I felt my own eyes burning with salt. I couldn't understand why.
Vinyl Scratch threw her lips unto mine. The more wet, the colder we became, it all fueled our struggle to hold on tight. Her mane tickled my cheeks, and I wept as I felt an uncanny euphoria with my muzzle plastered to hers. The coldness didn't exist. All that was, were the mysterious mare, and I. The fact we were strangers were of no importance. I immediately loved her for showing me this. It was selfish, perhaps, yet it did blossom into something genuine.
Finally, the spell was broken. I was shivering. She too, likely felt the elements hard against her coat. She gazed intently into my eyes.
"Tavi...I think...I think I'm in love with you."
It was only then that I noticed it was raining.